In addition to what you rightly say, and was previously said, the other big issue is so many people have been hoodwinked into thinking they have more, whilst getting less. Hoodwinked by businesses, the press and worst of all the politicians. The 'upper working class' have been convinced they're middles class because their ex council houses currently have a value previously unimaginable . . . . Credit is nigh on free . . . . It won't take much of a shift to see millions in reposessive debt.
The fibs are on both sides, the IFS say Labour’s financial plans are “not credible”. The sums don’t add up. Then there’s the outright lie that only those over £80k income will pay more i. tax. The IFS, Andrew Neil, and every interviewer has challenged Corbyn on this lie. Anyone with married couples allowance, or anyone with some dividend income eg pensioners, or anyone who runs a small and profitable limited company, will all pay more in taxes, some far more. Why not come clean at least on this. Smoke and Mirrors from both main parties, duping the electorate, the arrogance of looking down on non-politicians as fools.
Agreed with you possible repossessions. Both main parties financial policies are not credible. The international markets will cotton on, UK interest rates would rise. Affecting most homeowners and those servicing debt.