He's not very good, even his own side don't like him and he is a puppet of the unions at their beck and call. All adds up yo bankruptcy 2
The first part of your statement fits Johnson perfectly.....
He's not very good, even his own side don't like him and he is a puppet of the unions at their beck and call. All adds up yo bankruptcy 2
Seen it much better than the lib dem cant accept a vote party and the Labour let's bankrupt the country again party. Which one do you support
How many lies will Boris tell tonight? Will they pull him up on it? I doubt it as the media would prefer a Johnson parliament than a Corbin one.
Etchingham with her hands full trying to control the speechifying from both sides
Etchingham with her hands full trying to control the speechifying from both sides
She's doing terrible. She isn't even allowing them to finish sentences.
Boris avoiding eye contact with Corbyn.... always a sign of a liar .
She’s useless......can’t stop them speaking half the time, then does stop them when they’re in the middle of something more critical. Feels like she’s simply got a 20-second timer and flips them alternately. It’s bloody annoying.
Isn't this just project fear?
Oh dear Boris.