arfer guinness
Well-known member
- Feb 15, 2007
- 351
Your views I'm afraid are far from normal, IMHO they just show you to be a small minded bigot, and a very sad individual.
What is wrong with wishing to treat everyone as equals
Your views I'm afraid are far from normal, IMHO they just show you to be a small minded bigot, and a very sad individual.
I've had plenty of other opportunities to "f*** off" following the Albion than this. In fact if a couple of thousand of us had done so in the late 90s we's possibly not have a club for you to add your ow so intelligent comments on. So I'll pass on your kind offer if that's ok?
Ever thought some people don't see this as banter? Football does say there's a zero tolerance of homophobic chanting. Sorry chum but you're onto a loser here and in the wrong century with such views!
he's entitled to his views as much as you are![]()
All complaining about it is gonna do is make it worse, why complain now when its been going on for years? As far as i know from the games i've seen in the past few seasons it hasn't got any worse its just always been like this. We gave Cardiff a lot of abuse when we wont there, doubt they'll be complaining and reporting us, it's just stereo typical Brighton is the gay capital of England. If football was serious about its no tolerance policy gay chanting wouldn't happen
What is wrong with wishing to treat everyone as equals
wind your neck in , what do you mean that old chestnut ? it's a fair comment, live with itThat old chesnut eh, which you like to use yourself simply to excuse the xenophobic, homophobic and racist commentary you so love to court. Anyone who calls himself DR cannot be taken seriously: why you'd want to associate with an SS division that's responsible for some of WW2's worst atrocities is beyond me. In fact it's insulting to those who gave their lives fighting so you could come on here spouting so much belligerence towards things they fought to uphold.
wind your neck in , what do you mean that old chestnut ? it's a fair comment, live with it![]()
that's your problem , you're not listening just judging, i'm a good bloke believe meWith opinions comes some responsibility. Yours are usually bigoted and phobic. So ain't worth listening too if of sane mind!!
ask portlock seagull .Hi Guys,
I have been reading posts on NSC for a long time now but have now just joined and this is getting seriously out of hand!
I am gay and I am a Brighton fan. Why all of a sudden is everyone offended by these chants? They have been going on for ages! It's just good banter!
Is it just due to the Bellammy sheep shagger inicident? and now we feel the need to report other clubs to make it equal!
How many of you are actually offended by chants, such as does your boyfriend know your here? and we can see you holding hands?
One thing I dont agree with though is singing 1-0 to the nancy boys or we're gay and we're beating you!
Not because Im offended, but there is still a lot of homophobia in football (despite what the poll said) and I doubt very much the players are enjoying having this sung about them ?
There is nothing wrong with treating everyone as equals, that is what we should all do, however your previous posts indicate that you do not follow that doctrine, otherwise you would not have called into question other people's rights to live the way they wish, whether that be within a community that they feel comfortable with or to have the freedom to choose their sexual orientation without fear of prejudice from people who feel that they are not "normal" because their personal preferences differ. We are all entitled to our own opinions but if you are prepared to openly air your own, then you shouldn't be surprised if your views are questioned by anyone who disagrees with them. I am English by birth and hetrosexual by choice, this makes me no more "normal" than anybody else, I am just a person, that is what we all are.
In my opinion the act of homosexuality is abnormal and disgusting I do not use this opinion to dislike homosexuals. I just feel if we stopped dividing ourselves into brackets or communities everyone could intergrate better into society rather then have what is virtual ghettos in some cities.
So in essence what you mean when you say that we are all equal, is actually that anyone who shares your views are equal, but anybody who doesn't fit into your little box of what is right is not. So some are more equal than others. I think Hitler shared those sort of views as well
Where have I said I do not like a person because of any reason. I dislike certain practices as I also dislike certain habits. This does not affect my opinion of anyone.
I would find it odd if a gay couple would actually in effect be saying " let the homophobic chanting continue ". which is what you are saying. After all the years getting where the community are in respect of equal rights and acceptance it flys in the face of this. With Pride saying " I am proud to be gay " I am sure you have made this up.
I am pleased that this subject has been brought up and its hit the mainstream media. My suspicion is that it will all be forgotten in a couple of weeks and the FA and BHAFC will do nothing about it and hope the hoo haa fades away.
It seems to contradict the drive of the " community stadium " when one aspect of that community is derided and abused every game. It seems " the paperwork " is too much hassle for the club and FA.
There is actually quite a lot of support for the stance on the CPFC fans site
Brighton being gay again- CPFC BBS
Also it instills an ideology amoungst those with a brain cell challenge and young impressionable kids that to ridicule someone is the way forward. The " banter " of does your Boyfriend know your here is very much at the far end, most is blatant hate crime and if you stuck a mic under the nose of away fans when we score or something goes against them you can bet the homophobic abuse is at the other end of the scale and the hand signs tell the story as well. So to me it is not " banter " and in this day and age is simply wrong, end of.
If away fans think it spoils their games against BHAFC if they can't have to chance of abusing them this way , well tough shit really. There are numerous other songs/chants that can be made.
Anyway as I said my guess is the square root of f*ck all will be done about it and it will be business as normal in a week or two.
I could sit and argue the rights and wrongs of allowing banter/homophobic chanting at length, which was my original intent when starting this thread. You may have noticed I have pretty much let it be, ignoring the usual smart arse remarks from the usual suspects, and basically pretty much ignored my own thread.
The one thing that keeps bringing me back to it though is when people claim that I invented the people and their comments in the original post. They were, and are, for real. But it seems to sit a little uncomfortably with some people, well unlucky for them, maybe the world is a little too complicated for their small minds.
To throw it back at you Uncle, 'How do I know that you did not invent the homophobic abuse that you claim to have been subjected to at the West Ham game? Maybe you are just a stereotypical attention seeking drama queen and this was your way to get yourself some publicity on local radio?'.
The issue is surely not 'people being offended'.
It's the fact that homophobia is still allowed to exist in 2011 without anyone battering an eyelid.