43k positive cases reported today vs 49k last Friday, and week-on-week drop increases to 12.7%
43k positive cases reported today vs 49k last Friday, and week-on-week drop increases to 12.7%
Scientists stepping up the fear game but stick to the facts and more good news here
Scientists stepping up the fear game but stick to the facts and more good news here
Scientists stepping up the fear game but stick to the facts and more good news here
Two great bits of news yesterday...
1. Pre-print paper looking at the Israeli third-shot booster programme >>> https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.10.07.21264626v1
- Infection rates between two-dose and three-doses drop by c.10x
- Serious illness (hospitalisation levels) drop by c.20x
This is an increase from double-vaxxed levels. Not just from unvaxxed, so an incredible boosting of protection.
2. The trial of anti-viral molnupiravir has proven to be so successful in protecting those infected with Covid, that the trial has been halted, as it's been deemed to be unethical to treat some ill people with the placebo, given the drug itself may save their lives. Emergency use has been requested in the US.
More >>> https://edition.cnn.com/2021/10/11/health/molnupiravir-covid-19-antiviral-merck-request/index.html
And yet I've not had a push notification from The Guardian or indeed the usual media suspects say anything about this. Weird.
Why the hell don't the Covid stats split vaccinated and non vaccinated, would help encourage take up Shirley?Was listening to the radio this morning……..BBC journo seemed to be after a quote from someone senior in a hospital about how bad things were with Covid……but was batted back every time……(paraphrased but along these lines :
How many covid patients ? ‘About two wards’
That sounds a lot…’we had 10 full wards in the previous wave, and we’ve not been below one - it’s pretty stable’
Who exactly are the people in hospital with Covid ? ‘They are almost all unvaccinated, and most have other conditions……vaccinated people by and large aren’t getting sick enough to need hospital treatment’
Why the hell don't the Covid stats split vaccinated and non vaccinated, would help encourage take up Shirley?