Mid Sussex, roughly Steyning, if I'd have to guess.
I use this clickable map, so try for yourself
Thanks, that's great fun isn't it!
Does the arsegass know more than this thread?
In Jackson Hole Wyoming, they had 11" of snow last night with another foot or so due in the next few days - now that's hardcore snowfall
Nice neck of the woods - used it as my starting point for a fantastic trip visiting the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone a few years ago (not during winter, I hasten to add).
Net weather showing potential for snow Monday night, early Tuesday morning?
Net weather showing potential for snow Monday night, early Tuesday morning?
Net weather showing potential for snow Monday night, early Tuesday morning?
From the Midlands north, there's been snow or graupel falling from many of the showers crossing the UK.
As the colder air shifts a little further south, there's a chance of some wintry precipitation from about midnight through to tomorrow evening. Expect hail, sleet, snow, graupel, especially, but not exclusively over the downs.
It's not enough to make much difference to transport etc, and it won't settle for long, if at all, but it's the best I can offer.
Graupel! THat'll be it, thank you! Never heard of it!
Any idea why it's neary pitch black and sunset isn't for half an hour?!