A channel low with associated cold air to our north to tap into is the stuff of dreams for those who love snow! The last one we had was March 13, before that I think it was the 80's so they are very rare as the sypnotics have to match up perfectly. If it's too far north then we have rain down here, if it's too far south then we got nowt!
Anyway not even thinking about that at the moment. let's just get the cold in first and then see what happens
You mean 1987?
BBC stating today a major change is on the way next week still saying 6 c daytime maximums though
Surely you mean absolutely zero chance of snow next week because it was the warmest December on record?
Wow! The ECM is spectacular really. Brings in cold on Monday through Monday night. Big potential but more runs needed for any details
Wow! The ECM is spectacular really. Brings in cold on Monday through Monday night. Big potential but more runs needed for any details
Oh... Yes...
What does big potential mean?? For what?? Do I need to put my snow shovel back in the car? TELL ME!
What do the figures in blue mean?