bloody, flippin, blinking rain here in Essex. Snow my arse, bloody prick tease weather men.
Yep. The met office and you were correct .... 5.5c in central hove. With rounding, we'll give them the difference.
Another knock to metcheck, the Daily Express, and other bullshitters masquerading as 'scientists' and selling their 'professional' forecasts to farmers and the like.
@esccroads: we've just received the latest forecast from @metoffice. Road temps are due to fall to -3 overnight with snow falling from midnight to 6am.
@esccroads: The snow fall is likely to start in the east of the county and we expecting up to 5cm / 2 inches overnight.
@esccroads: we've just received the latest forecast from @metoffice. Road temps are due to fall to -3 overnight with snow falling from midnight to 6am.
@esccroads: The snow fall is likely to start in the east of the county and we expecting up to 5cm / 2 inches overnight.
Sorry, where's that for?
Edit: got it now - East Sussex County Council
Sorry, where's that for?
Edit: got it now - East Sussex County Council
Is there now more or less risk of snow for Wednesday morning than earlier?
I can't keep up.