I'm sure it is true though I'm not sure of the relevancy of highlighting the fact that the family are migrants. I would guess there are far more large 'homegrown' families than there are migrant ones.
Quite agree - which is why I said:-
Ding! Ding! Ding! Correct answer.
I knew a bloke once, never worked a day in his life, fathered umpteen kids with several women, government paid for everything.
Sure, there are immigrants taking advantage of our welfare system but you're utterly blinkered if you think English people aren't doing it as well. Unfortunately papers like the Mail, Express, Sun et al know full well people are ignorant or wilfully blind to this and use it to flog their pathetic rags.
I agree, many UK born and bred who take the proverbial. Probably best we don't import them as well then.
It needs a reform of the system. Make it harder/impossible for people, foreign and domestic, to take advantage.
I've no idea what that reform would involve, that's best left to smarter men than I.
I have a hunch that all governments basically write some benefit claimants off, they know there is no way they will ever, ever go to work. For example a few years back I signed on for 3 months. I knew most of the staff in there as years and years before I had done security in Job Centres. My advisor, whom I knew well said they had 3 categories, A, B and C. A means you'll get a job in a flash, B means you may need to brush up on your interview technique/cv etc, C meant you were a numpty who basically spent his school days poking shit with a stick in a field and were never going to get work.
I would go in there to sign and from the moment I got in there I was hassled, pressured, sent on courses, threatened with lsing benefits. I would spend at least 50 mins signing, being put forward for jobs etc. I didn't mind I knew I'd find work.
However, the council estate scummers would walk in, put the buggy to one side, pick their noses, walk over to the advisor, sign a bit of paper and leave. 5 mins max.
The advisors knew they would never get a job, let alone keep one if they ever did so they knew no point spending time with them.
Sad but true, doubt it's changed.
All people should live comfortably and parenting is the most important job in society bar none. I would not say raising a family of 16 on £55k is easy, or even comfortable.
.Their choice to raise 16 kids why should the state have to pay for them
All people should live comfortably and parenting is the most important job in society bar none. I would not say raising a family of 16 on £55k is easy, or even comfortable.
.Their choice to raise 16 kids why should the state have to pay for them
Exactly right, why do they have 16 kids. I appreciate he cannot earn enough money in his own country, but out of the all the other european countries he chose us. Now your not telling me he didn't know about the benefits that are available in this country. That is part of the reason he came here.
Something's been bugging me about this news story - has any considered the impact that 15 kids has had on his wife. Must be a bit loose down there now, Shirley?