My take is that while I strongly disagree with the social considerations of the bakery, one shouldn't have to be forced to write or create something which goes against those principles.
For me, the Supreme Court has got it right.
My take is that while I strongly disagree with the social considerations of the bakery, one shouldn't have to be forced to write or create something which goes against those principles.
For me, the Supreme Court has got it right.
Actually, you do (if the customer is a minority group). A photographer was successfully sued for not taking the wedding pictures for a gay couple.Same as anyone else who is a business you don’t have to do a job if you do t want to
That's rather twisting facts to try and save your argument. All the major religions, whether worshipping God, Allah, Jesus, Mohammed, Shiva, Mithras or whoever have always defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman (or in some cases between a man and several women). All secular groups have thought the same way until very recent times too so comparison of a same sex marriage with a marriage made under the auspices of a different god - or saying that it is hypocritical too accept one but not the other - is nonsense.It's somewhat hypocritical to disagree with a same sex marriage and not disagree with a marriage whose God isn't their own.
I would have made the cake with the slogan they wanted and inside, to be revealed upon slicing....
I'm with the ruling...
If the person who wanted the cake made was, say, a t-shirt printer for a living - and the baker came in and said "I'd like 20 t-shirts with 'ban gay marriage' all over the front" - he'd have told the baker to do one...
This is bullshit of the highest order. The gay guy wants his views respected, and is prepared to go the whole nine yards to have them respected. Well, what about respecting the views of other people, too? The baker didn't exactly attack him with a rolling pin and drag him back out through the front door by his nostrils, did he. Just move on and find another baker.
That £200,000 could have helped the homeless, gone to the NSPCC, the RPSCA or another charity worthy of Christian compassion, not a bunch of f*cking lawyers who have just booked their next holiday to the Caribbean with it..![]()
If the bakery refused to make a cake for a same sex wedding that is discrimination. But everyone is entitled to a view.
I think the bakery are wrong but support their right to be wrong.
You don't change attitudes by shutting people down.
I think some mischief was being made here. It doesn't help anyone's cause.
This is actually my stance. He's a gay rights activist, and it's my opinion that he used that particular bakery as a means to achieve a notch on his activist banner.
If I baked cakes and someone came into my shop and asked for a CPFC logo cake, you all know my answer, would I end up in court ?
What sort of cake ?
the baker did not bring this to court.
If I baked cakes and someone came into my shop and asked for a CPFC logo cake, you all know my answer, would I end up in court ?