nibble i dont know how old you are but even some of the crap you mentioned is better than some of the truly , truly dire shite we had to endure in the seventies, dont let anyone tell you such dross as on the buses are" iconic classics" they were awful , alongside such monumental manure as bless this house and father dear father, excepting love thy neighbour of course which was truly brilliant and exceptionally funny.
Have you watched Early Doors, Nibble? Best thing to have come out of the BBC for a while I reckon.
Is it the spin off from Royle Family set in a boozer or am I thinking of the wrong thing? If so, from what I have seen of it, which is not much, it looks very good.
the Argus made me chuckle with the headline on the webpage about Newhaven
The Argus - Brighton Hove Fringe
Two and a half men with Charlie Sheen is 10 times better than any of the UK comedy shite at the moment.
I watched Little Britain Last night and In particular that sketch with the wheelchair guy in it. How can anyone laugh at something so predictable. When the likes of Catherne Tait and her charcater of that gobby school child are hailed as genius it's all over really. I just don't get it. The boat left and I wasn't on it.
I love both of the shows mentioned here but they don't even come close to Blackadder, Fawlty Towers or Only Fools & Horses.
Just shows how our standards have slipped in recent years.
Comedy is such a personal thing though. I mean, that "Office" thing with the fat bloke was the worst excuse for a comedy in the history of television in my opinion whereas I can quite happily sit there and watch Two pints or My Family.
I still don't think either OFaH or Fawlty Towers were that funny to be honest. BlackAdder was just really clever humour, as was Father Ted, The Office & Extra's. Those four are my favourite British comedies in my lifetime. Honourable mention to Partridge
US - that Charlie Sheen thing is BOLLOCKS. USA comedies haven't been too bad - Friends (first 5 series), Frasier & Seinfeld were all good, but nothing to classic British comedy