Well-known member
Explain to me how, if I don't have Covid -19, I can infect someone else with it?
You could touch a surface and pick up the virus on your hands, give someone a tenner from your wallet, and pass it on like that.
Explain to me how, if I don't have Covid -19, I can infect someone else with it?
So who decides what is and what is not a valid debate?
Because we live in a free country where debate is encouraged?
Why has this thread turned into a backwoods,hillbilly, Covid and vaccine denial fest ? Oh yes, I know.
Should be in the Covid sub forum by now.
From Israel:
Data from the Israeli Minister of Health in July suggested that the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine in preventing infection and symptomatic illness had dropped from 90 percent to only 39 percent and 41 percent, respectively. However, the levels of protection against severe illness (88 percent) and hospitalization (91.4 percent) remained high.
The important thing here is it stops people dying but what is absolutely becoming clear is this crusade to vaccinate every last soul and cast out anyone who wants to abstain is based entirely in political drive and long term profit over anything else.
You could touch a surface and pick up the virus on your hands, give someone a tenner from your wallet, and pass it on like that.
Latest info coming out of Israel. Almost all hospitalisation are fully vaccinated so of course covid pass is absolutely essential.
That is in relation to the specific hospital driving the article…….namely the ‘Herzog Hospital specializes in nursing care for the elderly’ - so on the basis the vulnerable were vaccinated first (as here) it’s a statement of the obvious isn’t it ? The numbers in the UK would be very similar - old people in hospital with Covid19 will have been vaccinated. The point is there are thousands fewer than in previous waves.
It does also go on to state ‘Data from the Israeli Minister of Health in July suggested that the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine in preventing infection and symptomatic illness had dropped from 90 percent to only 39 percent and 41 percent, respectively. However, the levels of protection against severe illness (88 percent) and hospitalization (91.4 percent) remained high’
Posts mislead on Israel vaccine data
"Since the start of the pandemic, experts have pointed out that vaccines are not 100% effective. In a July 5 statement, Israel’s Ministry of Health addressed the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine in light of the spreading delta variant and said, “the vaccine maintains an effectiveness rate of about 93% in preventing serious illness and hospitalization cases.”
Associated Press - Fact Checking ...
However, I point you to the greatly reduced case numbers, relative hospitalisations overall and proportion of deaths as evidence of the efficacy of the vaccine.
It's been proven many times in the last year that covid doesn't transmit like that. It's an aerosol and anything less than a properly fitted N95 mask won't help you.
People need to get vaccinated, apart from another strict lockdown vaccines are the only thing proven to work.
Reduced case numbers. Are you serious? Have you seen the last few months Uk data? The vaccines have clearly not stopped people catching covid. Anyone would look at the last 2 months case numbers and be able to see they were near record numbers with 85% vaccination. Are you actually being real?
It reduces numbers of people dying, it reduces severity of symptoms, reduces chances of long covid, reduces infection rates. There are some risks of blood clots, but it is unknown if the people that suffer blood clots with the AZ vaccine, would also be at risk of blood clots from Covid-19. If you like though, we can say it is a gamble personally to take the vaccine, or not take the vaccine, the older you are the more the odds are in favour of getting vaccinated. But for society to be able to get back to normal, we need a high level of immunity in the general population, of all ages. To me, people over 30 choosing not to be vaccinated are selfish cowards, aided and abetted by science deniers, people that want to feel clever without having a clue how to read and understand data.
Do you want to guess what the difference in the behavioural data is?
I don’t think any evidence regardless of how strong would ever allow you to consider the possibility you may be being lied to in any form whatsoever. The possibility is just a bit to uncomfortable for you. I get it. The bubble just feels nicer.
Do you want to see what the difference in death data is?
One day in January 2021 before vaccines - deaths
View attachment 139356
Today's death data
View attachment 139357
Reduced case numbers. Are you serious? Have you seen the last few months Uk data? The vaccines have clearly not stopped people catching covid. Anyone would look at the last 2 months case numbers and be able to see they were near record numbers with 85% vaccination. Are you actually being real?
Look, be happy the vaccination stops people dying but open yourself up to the ability to receive some information that shows that covid passports are not going to make any difference and that the vaccines are obviously not working that well at stopping people catching covid. You haven’t said anything about the mRNA vaccine inventor being a big critic of how it’s working I notice? The hardest thing is to be able to open the mind to accept that the cosy spoon fed narrative might not be true. Much easier to just bash everything away as conspiracy. Life feels much fluffier that way. I understand.
Huh? I have never denied that the vaccines stop people dying from covid. They are really effective at it. I’ve literally confirmed it in several posts above. What’s the point of your post here? It’s like your arguing with yourself?
I agree with this generally but what's the point in asking the scientists?
They've generally been pretty wrong and you don't need to Brain of Britain to say that if you have a lockdown less people are going to catch it.
All they would be looking for is confirmation of the above.
Yes anyone questioning whether an injection into their body where the producer has liability waivers such as these is clearly a coward and not somebody with enough ability to think for themselves that they would like to wait before pumping an experimental never before used technology into themselves:
Looks like people taking their time over deciding whether to take it are actually the smartest in US society…
“The largest decrease in hesitancy between January and May by education group was in those with a high school education or less. Hesitancy held constant in the most educated group (those with a Ph.D.); by May Ph.D.’s were the most hesitant group. While vaccine hesitancy decreased across virtually all racial groups, Blacks and Pacific Islanders had the largest decreases, joining Hispanics and Asians at having lower vaccine hesitancy than whites in May.”
Here’s the rub that I haven’t disclose before. I’ve actually had the vaccine. I have had to because of work obligations abroad. I’m actually disgusted that I have had to take it to continue to provide for my family and pay my (very large) mortgage as I fundamentally hate the idea of medical passports and what they will lead to for society. Soon everyone will realise what we have started on the path toward. I’m not even sure most people will realise they have become entirely enslaved forevermore in the name of medicine.