She must have been asleep. Jodie wasn't exactly in disguise.My girlfriend is a massive fan of Jodie Comer and didn't notice it was her playing Rey's mum
She must have been asleep. Jodie wasn't exactly in disguise.My girlfriend is a massive fan of Jodie Comer and didn't notice it was her playing Rey's mum
Excellent, I like it.
Didn't he say he was dead? I'll have to check exactly what he said to Rey.
Maybe, but if the cloned cells were taken after his 'transformation' in ROTS, all the clone would become could be the wrinkled, broken form of Palpatine.
Or if his body is an artificial copy of the original, like Snoke being an artificial being, its not possible to create something perfect.
I don't think he can be a resurrected version of his old body as that must have been destroyed on the second Death Star, unless someone rescued his body and too it to Exegol, perhaps Pryde, or some similar fanatic. Its a bit too convinent though. It could explain the melted finger tips though.
Yeah that would work - I think the parents will have been cast too young, but that doesn't really matter. My girlfriend is a massive fan of Jodie Comer and didn't notice it was her playing Rey's mum, so they aren't on screen long enough to properly scrutinise. It'll be interesting to find out who Rey's paternal grandmother is - if anyone.
If we take Luke's fall when confronted by Vader on Cloud City into a vent tunnel, then we can assume that when Vader chucks the emperor down the hole in ROTJ, that equally he may have slid into some side vent or something.
Talking of Cloud City, in TFA, Maz says the story of how Luke's first lightsaber came into her possession was a story for another time. I really hoped that'd be in TROS, but I don't recall anything being said about that.
I was trying not to antagonise.
You seem to be looking for an argument.
He was taking one last look because he's a pessimistic bugger (you're familiar with Star Wars, right?). Look, they definitely didn't say his memory would be gone and that was that. He said there was a change R2 could restore it, and they said to 3PO 'you know the odds better than anyone'. I didn't think for a second they wouldn't get his memory back, that would just be weird (from a story point of view).
That seemed like a post of things you didn't like, not a list of contradictions. Did you mention more than one other contradiction in that post?
God no. I've spent too much time discussing movies on the old imdb message boards to have any interest in fighting about movies. I find most people's reaction to movies are emotional, we try to explain them with logic, but the truth is if we like a film, we'll overlook what might be considered by others as flaws, inconsistency, plot holes, or we'll fill in the gaps and praise the film for not trying to spoon feed us. If we don't like a film, we'll get hung up on flaws, find any explanation for their questions insufficient or unsupported by the film.
I didn't like the Rise of Skywalker (at least tired me on one viewing didn't like it). The scenes involving threepio's mind wipe play to me as if they were trying to make us believe Threepio was sacrificing himself for the greater good. His comment, whatever the exact words were, about R2's unreliable memory to me, as someone who didn't like it, come across as 'there's no memory back up'. For you, as someone who liked it, it was apparently more a 'there's a risk, but it'll probably be fine'.
His pessimism is usually dismissed ("Don't tell me the odds") or are essentially a joke. To me, this scene was played with a seriousness, and finality to it. If he is getting his memory back, what's the risk? Why is everyone so concerned? Wipe his memory, get the translation, put his memory back. No muss, no fuss. No need to take one last look at his friends. I have no recollection of them saying there was a chance R2 could restore it, I remember them asking if he could and threepio saying he didn't trust R2's circuits. To me, that suggested he didn't trust them to risk backing up in R2. You have apparently taking it another way.
To me, the 'you know the odds' was about the success of their mission if Threepio doesn't sacrifice himself, they have no other choice.
Yes, I did. I also mentioned some things I liked, and some things I was neutral on but thought might be an interesting point of discussion, or something someone else might be able to clarify.
This is based on a single viewing...
Not specifically a negative, more a WTF?! - Lando with Jannah at the end... was he trying to seduce her? Felt very creepy. I mean, the words, taken innocently would suggest helping investigate her past, but the delivery screamed "inappropriate, old man!"
Also, Freddie Prinze Jr is in this movie. Freddie Prinze jr. The guy from She's All That. The former writer on WWE's "creative" team. Weird. I know acting and so on, but still. Weird.
...the exiled gondorians returned...
On further thought, and discussing with a (different) friend who saw the film today (they're not a massive star wars fan, more of a film fan, but has seen them all - she was not fond of TRoS), I'll add...
Positive - Richard E Grant. I think he can have a tendency to overact and camp it up too much at times, and sci-fi fantasy, particularly one aimed at the family market would be the sort of film he'd do that in, so I was very worried when he was cast, but I thought he was suitably restrained, and played his part well.
Not specifically a negative, more a WTF?! - Lando with Jannah at the end... was he trying to seduce her? Felt very creepy. I mean, the words, taken innocently would suggest helping investigate her past, but the delivery screamed "inappropriate, old man!"
Also, Freddie Prinze Jr is in this movie. Freddie Prinze jr. The guy from She's All That. The former writer on WWE's "creative" team. Weird. I know acting and so on, but still. Weird.
Middle ground - Everyone showing up at the end, it was a nice visual, but it felt un-earned, too big too quick without much grounding. We go from nothing, no reaction to distress calls at the end of TLJ, to seemingly everyone showing up, without much of a middle ground, or signs of the rebellion regrowing and increasing. My friend contrasted it with Helm's deep where the Elves and the exiled gondorians returned, and we knew each of them and their stories well. Their showing up meant more, it wasn't just 'here's an increase in our numbers' it's rivalries put aside, exiles coming home, etc.
Looking at the trivia for TRoS on imdb:
The return of Emperor Palpatine (more specifically a clone of him) had already happened in the comic series Dark Empire, part of the now de-canonized Star Wars Expanded Universe. Writer Timothy Zahn, one of the most prominent authors of the Expanded Universe novels, had strongly opposed the decision to bring Palpatine back, stating: "It destroys Darth Vader's sacrifice in killing the Emperor at the end of Return of the Jedi. It unravels the whole original trilogy".I thought this was an interesting point, and quite a valid one. Vader's sacrifice has been somewhat undercut by the return of the emperor, hasn't it?
Why didn't all the Jedi live in Luke - do they all secretly think he's a bit of a dick?
Just returned from seeing it , wasn’t holding out much hope , but really enjoyed it the best out of the last three and could actually watch it again unlike the the last Jedi .
Just a question what did Finn want to tell Rey as they were sinking into the quick sand?
And would have been nice to have seen all the old Jedi’s at the end.
And does Harrison Ford ever age?
Could you tell me a couple of the other contradictions you mentioned please.Yes, I did.
I can't find the link but apparently he wanted to tell her that he was force sensitive.
WTF?Yes, Abrams has confirmed this. Odd that they left in the set up but didn’t include the punchline. It makes no sense unless it’s explained.
Solo? You mean when he says he 'I have a bad feeling about this'?Solo said something about “feeling” something. But again, they dropped it and didn’t follow it up.
Oh, Trig! I do like your posts
Nice insult, thanks.but it seems Star Wars is yet another thing you have simply failed to understand.