How can my post be spin when it's a simple statement of unpalatable and unbelievable fact. Britain is broke, has been for decades, and successive Governments have had to borrow more and more money just to pay State commitments. How can that be spin?
It's spin because you spouting stuff that is half truths and rubbish. It's like someone has read a headline and nothing else! The national debt is not 900% of GDP. And just to remind you, under Major, the National Debt went from 40% of GDP upto 50%. Under Labour, it was paid off and came down to about 38% but rose to about 45% immediately prior to the global meltdown. Also, why do you imply there is still a global recession? Aren't most economies growing again? I agree that if we were in recession then the interest rates we would be charged to borrow money would be higher but that isn't the case. Even in 2010, at the height of the recession we could borrow at 3%!
As for national debt, we've had that for over 300 years, ever since the time the Bank of England was formed in 1694. Like every debt, it is only a problem if it is unserviceable. Unfortunately, due to the 2008 financial crash, the economy shrank and money was pumped into the system with quantitative easing. However, despite the scaremongering of Cameron and Osbourne, we are not in anyway broke. In 2010 we were able to borrow money to bail out Ireland but we could do it because we weren't broke, in other words, we could borrow at about 3% and lend to Eire at about 6% thus making a profit. If our economy was any where near the state of Greece, Spain or Eire then we would have to pay higher interests rates on what we borrow due to the fear of default. That doesn't mean we can borrow indefinitely and at ever increasing amounts however, back in 2007, the Labour gov plans were funded by the growing economy but then the meltdown hit.