Cheshire Cat
The most curious thing..
You're not married are you?Don't let her be in charge in the first place.
You're not married are you?Don't let her be in charge in the first place.
You're not married are you?
This makes for some depressing reading. It seems the majority on here live a married life similar to a 1970's sitcom. Daft but loveable husband, wife permanantly annoyed but dutiful nonetheless. Awful.
It is depressing, isn't it? It seems that even a male dominated forum such as NSC reflects wider society in that the accepted role of a modern husband is as an obsessive obedient puppy who should grovel at his wife/partner's feet for the slightest bit of attention? For a more contemporary example of a TV sitcom, I'd say it's more like Friends.
It seems like every other week there's a thread about an STH that can't go to a certain game because his wife has other plans for him, and he's too scared to defy her. Man the F up - your missis will have far more respect (and sexual attraction) if you show some actual masculinity and take some control in your relationship.
6 days! I feel for ya mate. I don't think I could cope with that length of time prob coz I can't have the hump for that long myself. Would that be six days of not even talking?This.
It doesn't matter what I say, or what I do, the situation is completely irretrievable until she decides when she's had the hump for long enough. This can range from anything between 2 hours and 6 days, and there is no way of knowing when she will emerge from said humpage. So after an initial apology, I retire to a safe distance and continue with my life until normal service is resumed.
6 days! I feel for ya mate. I don't think I could cope with that length of time prob coz I can't have the hump for that long myself. Would that be six days of not even talking?
I had one similar too some years back. I did the same as you, had it away one toes. I couldn't cope with it. How can someone carry all that negative shit around for days and to be honest, they probably forgot what they had the needle with in the first place? Strange behaviour.An ex of mine could go days without speaking. In the end she got so angry with me about something (no idea what) I just upped and left. I'm hoping the current Mrs Tackle will be the last. Neither of us has the upper hand, because neither of us needs to have the upper hand. But I suspect the fact that I'm very different now from what I was like 20 or 30 years ago helps. I am still an argumentative *******, but I generally think a little before I speak. Ahem. OK . . . . not always
My rule now would be, at the first sign of difficulty, make an attempt to resolve it to your satisfaction. If you can't, walk away from the relationship. Clinging on to someone too immature, or too mad to know how to share a life will do for you in the end. No amount of amazing leg-over will compensate, in the long run. And if you have kids, they will suffer too, if the relationship is dysfunctional. Been there and done all that![]()
My girlfriend does like sport and occasionally watching live sport, providing it's not too cold; however I wouldn't care if she didn't. Taking your girlfriend/wife to the football isn't win win in my opinion. It's a chance for you to get away and have a few beers and a laugh and chat with your mates (or in my case my Dad) for a few hours every other weekend.Or just take your OH to the game with you, win win. If she hates football, what are you doing with her anyway !!??
I had one similar too some years back. I did the same as you, had it away one toes. I couldn't cope with it. How can someone carry all that negative shit around for days and to be honest, they probably forgot what they had the needle with in the first place? Strange behaviour.
6 days! I feel for ya mate. I don't think I could cope with that length of time prob coz I can't have the hump for that long myself. Would that be six days of not even talking?
Fair play to you for dealing with that unless you deserve it of course ☺ I'd struggle with that for 6 days solid. Not the tea coz mine makes a shit cup anyway but the 'one word' treatment.Six days of one-word answers, generally. And no cup of tea waiting when I come downstairs in the morning.
Well she is married to him.She knows her shit.
Likewise.I refuse to argue with people. Wife or otherwise. If anyone has a pop at me I just end it by saying "You're probably right" and walk away.
Couldn't do that. Sometimes it takes a good ol bull'n'cow to clear the air.Likewise.
Well at least one of you does then.I am. She just knows who's in charge.