Yep. David Colquhoun's blog is quite good on this. Shall we discuss? Here is my take. The biological (or medical as Starmer alluded) definition is clear. Biological sex is determined by the X an Y chromosomes. And that includes the rare genetic 'abnormalities' such as extra Y chromosomes. Most people fall into the male or female categories. Gender, on the other hand is part of the indentity profile of an individual. It is normally no more a choice than sexuality (sexual orientation) is a choice. That includes a proportion of people who don't have a particularly strong gender identity (which may map to the existence of not having a strong sexual orientation).
I suspect this is sufficient for most well-balanced people who have got over any 1970s-style homophobia.
It is legitimate, however, to be concerned about someone wearing a dress, but with a cock and balls under it, demanding to swan about in the ladies toilets. I would have thought that denying people with a penis access to women's toilets, communal showers and other places where ostensibly single-sex excretion or nudity are possible, should be sufficient.
Some may say whatabout a biologically female person who identifies as a man? What changing room should they be using at a gym or swimming pool? I suspect that if they retain the female external secondary sexual characteristics (i.e., tits) then they ought to be using the women's facilities.
Here it does get a bit nuanced. However the main issue of concern, i.e. a great big hairy bloke in a dress, swinging his cock about in front of women and girls, for nefarious purposes (like, I suspect, that rapist in the Scottish jail) outght to be easy to deal with. People who have a male biological sex should not have a legal right to have access to all the facilities available to women of a female biological sex. How they dress, or identify is irrelevant. After a surgical gender change (note, this is not a sex change) then maybe we can think again.
Lights blue touch paper then legs it for a bit.....
That's my view. I politely debate this with my daughter, who disagrees, being staunchly pro transgender rights primacy over anything else. For example disagreeing with the safe places for biologically born females argument, also my dichotomy of a transgender female ex-male who's transitioned, versus any bloke who claims they're a female and so instantly have a right to all women's places. Am extreme example being the Scottish rapist, we are allowed to talk about these things, because real people were hurt.
I was pleased that Starmer, very, very briefly and almost whispered