then why the f*** are they queuing up in their thousands at calais to sneak in on the back of lorries?Absolutely not true! The asylum seekers law ın the UK is the hardest in Western Europe.
then why the f*** are they queuing up in their thousands at calais to sneak in on the back of lorries?
then why the f*** are they queuing up in their thousands at calais to sneak in on the back of lorries?
then why the f*** are they queuing up in their thousands at calais to sneak in on the back of lorries?
then why the f*** are they queuing up in their thousands at calais to sneak in on the back of lorries?
My point about the South East is that according to you and some posting on here, British people often do not get off their arses and migrate. They do. To here. Add to that unrestricted labour movement from the EU (and mass illegal migration) and you have an overcrowding problem that provokes these debates.
We only live in a free market until a bank collapses. We will witness a lot more how the economy is subject to state intervention over the next couple of weeks. Dont swallow the free market textbook whole there are many obstructions to it.
Skillsets. You really have not grasped the reality of this, your post reads more like an a level economics theory answer. i would hazard a guess that the vast majority of economic migrants to this country over the last decades only 'skillset' is being able bodied having few ties and lower wage expectations.
It's not just from an employment aspect that this is an issue. We ARE overcrowded. There are too many cars on the road, not enough water/electric/gas and everyone is living everyone elses toes which in turn leads to increased crime figures.
It is not rocket science. We are full up.
Is it not the case though, that once they are here it is very hard to deport? or is that just a myth by right wing supporters?
I have grasped the reality, you are just doing your all to defend people from the reality of the situation. Of course we're not actually in a free market, but there is free movement of labour. That's how people have moved into this country from Eastern Europe. Restrictions to the free market are in the form of government intervention, in this case I would argue benefits. That's clouding the market from clearing. There's also the effect of people's unwillingness to move, and costs involved, which I did mention in my previous post. The effort has got to be to REMOVE these interventions. Only then will you get a distribution of population across Europe which matches where the jobs are.
You've hit the nail on the head in your last sentence. The Eastern Europeans coming here have lower expectations of wages. They are willing to work for less. The problem is lowering the expectations of people native to this country so that they are willing to work for the same wage. What we are doing now in terms of benefits in this country is creating structural unemployment similar to that which was created by the closing of the coal mines, etc. The only problem is that the current generation are willingly without work, rather than it being forced from them.
Migration within this country is not particularly concentrated in the South East, bizarrely enough. For at least the last 15 years the South West has seen greater net migration from other UK regions, while the East of England has seen roughly the same level as the South East. Interestingly, London though is losing people hand over fist, although of course it attracts far more international migratants than any other region.
Only then will you get a distribution of population across Europe which matches where the jobs are
pure theory. not taking into account peoples natural desire to live in established communities for starters.
this level of population movement is unprecedented. no one can predict the outcome and daft acedemic theories that this will all settle down and wage demands will be the same from the shannon to the volga at some point are laughable.
wealth redistribution is not a feature of a free market, far from it. human decision making processes are not always logical. just ask the poles who came over for 18 months and now have kids at school and in all honesty will not go back, or work in the job they originally came with the 'skillset' for.
If you think you have economic migration sussed out in this era of globalisation then i would recommend you get a government position asap as you are a obviously a genius. the rest of us just know about human nature and life experience.
Jesus this is a battle. Yes of course it's theory, what else is it possible to come up with?
I have frequently admitted that there are holes in my ideas. I'm not presenting them as some kind of pariah to solve all the ills of the world. What I am trying to do is suggest ways of tackling these problems. What do you advise?