I feel the arrogance of the I'm a real supporter therefore i will not give up my season ticket stance is amazing,who do you think will be asked to make up the shortfall if we drop several thousands of season ticket holders,making people aware that there is a ceiling of affordability for fans is not a bad thing. This thread was not about who's the real fan it was meant to test the water regarding how much more cash the club can ask from fans and was spurred on by a conversation with someone about alot of fans thinking of not renewing. Sometimes you can misjudge the value of your product and the depth of your customers pockets. Just as you can have a surge for tickets which encourages others on board you can have a jumping ship reaction the other way.
Barber has eroded the majority of supporter goodwill and made the match-day experience more cumbersome and expensive. There is nothing left to carry fans through any on-field dips so it stands to reason that if we struggle on the pitch people will pack it in.
Love my seat,football played is irrelevant,just don't enjoy the match day experience either side of the game and the sterile atmosphere of the whole thing.We went down from 3 to 2 s/t this year and i have only used mine 3 times myself(not seen a win yet)with younger rev off to uni next year looks like we might jack both in next season unless a relegation or promotion comes along![]()
I will continue to be a season ticket holder as long as I can afford too
When I can't afford to - I'll keep going to as many games as I can afford.
Last night changes nothing for me.
When we sacked the football man Poyet in favour of Money maker barber, we lost a passionate sports footballing team and now have a Money making machine, thats why i may not get a ticket next year.
Why does EVERYBODY blame Paul Barber for every single thing that people don't like about the Club? This has absolutely nothing to do with him, and everything to do with whether or not these people are true Albion fans.
I feel the arrogance of the I'm a real supporter therefore i will not give up my season ticket stance is amazing,who do you think will be asked to make up the shortfall if we drop several thousands of season ticket holders,making people aware that there is a ceiling of affordability for fans is not a bad thing. This thread was not about who's the real fan it was meant to test the water regarding how much more cash the club can ask from fans and was spurred on by a conversation with someone about alot of fans thinking of not renewing. Sometimes you can misjudge the value of your product and the depth of your customers pockets. Just as you can have a surge for tickets which encourages others on board you can have a jumping ship reaction the other way.
You have a season ticket yet only been to 3 games and we havent won!? And youre moaning about not renewing! you dont go, so why bother you fool ! The fact you say "the football played is irrelevant" pinpoints the ridiculous look at me /listen to me non football agenda you exhibit . NO ONE CARES .Support the Albion or piss off ...why are you even on this site ? astounding!
But a lot of people in this thread aren't talking about cost. But purely results. There was a car in front of me queuing for the bridge carpark the other night! and they had Liverpool car stickers. Doubt they'll be back next season now Liverpool are back up there.
Why does EVERYBODY blame Paul Barber for every single thing that people don't like about the Club? This has absolutely nothing to do with him, and everything to do with whether or not these people are true Albion fans.