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Save Brighton Firestation
Help the guys in their fight.
Help the guys in their fight.
As you will now be aware, East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service (ESFRS) are selling Preston Circus Fire Station. It is their plan to build a new station at an as-yet unknown site in the city. The reasons given for the sale are that the station is old, 'not fit for purpose', and that Brighton requires a modern 'community' fire station.
We, the firefighters based at Preston Circus, strongly disagree with these claims.
In our opinion, building a new station is an expensive waste of your money. We believe that Preston Circus Fire Station is highly functional and continues to serve the people of Brighton with the same level of efficiency it has always done since its construction in 1937. We see no reason why a change of location to a modern soulless building is necessary. Our station is a legacy to the men and women who have tirelessly served this city from within its walls for the past seventy years. We are proud to work in such a fine building and believe the construction of a new station will be a costly mistake.