My thoughts are with you - deciding what’s best for a pet is always a difficult decision but there comes a point that you realise you are keeping a pet alive not for their sake but because you don’t want to be without them.
Deno, the horse in my avatar, had to be put to sleep last week. We tried everything possible to help him survive but there came a point where it just wasn’t fair on the old fella to keep pumping him full of drugs. He wasn’t in pain, (due to the drugs), but keeping him stabled when he was used to running free with no prospect of him being able to do so again just wasn’t fair on him. He was rescued from a horrible life 20 years ago and we didn’t want to see him end his life miserable.
We also ‘lost’ our two dogs over the last couple of years, one with symptoms very much as you describe. The vets in all three cases were wonderful - we followed their advice as to the where and how but the when had to be our decision.
In all cases the vet advised that companion pets were present when the ill one went to “sleep”. In the case of Deno it was especially touching to see the other three horses standing round as he passed away. They all had a sniff of the body before turning away and going back to the stable area.
I wish you strength in making the right decision at the right time.
Deno, the horse in my avatar, had to be put to sleep last week. We tried everything possible to help him survive but there came a point where it just wasn’t fair on the old fella to keep pumping him full of drugs. He wasn’t in pain, (due to the drugs), but keeping him stabled when he was used to running free with no prospect of him being able to do so again just wasn’t fair on him. He was rescued from a horrible life 20 years ago and we didn’t want to see him end his life miserable.
We also ‘lost’ our two dogs over the last couple of years, one with symptoms very much as you describe. The vets in all three cases were wonderful - we followed their advice as to the where and how but the when had to be our decision.
In all cases the vet advised that companion pets were present when the ill one went to “sleep”. In the case of Deno it was especially touching to see the other three horses standing round as he passed away. They all had a sniff of the body before turning away and going back to the stable area.
I wish you strength in making the right decision at the right time.