The Fifth Column
Lazy mug
You read a book once, was it the Ladybird big book about war? Or perhaps you visited the horrible histories website? Either way you appear absolutely clueless on anything to do with history and your unique and singular views are more suited to a primary school classroom than anything approaching serious debate. Give it up mate, you are clearly out of your depth. Someone hopefully will remove you from this thread to save you further embarrassment or derailing of the thread.The 2nd world war was basically won on the eastern front. Yes, after France fell Britain survided the Blitz which was intended to to bring it to the peace table.
Hitler didn't want a war on 2 fronts, and that's effectively what happened when the USA joined in.
Yes, the USA, GB gave limited aid to Russia by arctic convoys, which sometimes came under attack by U boats, but was not that significant.
The Battle of Britain has been has been over played in the media, it was just considered as a Luftwaffe offensive in Germany.
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