Originally the Swankers
Care to enlighten us as to why cyclists should have immunity from prosecution for the same offence?
Seriously? This is where it's all wrong . Somehow if you get annoyed & shout some rude words you deserve to be assaulted. As previously mentioned, that should be left in the playground.
Not really, if someone knocks on your front door and runs away, it's not illegal but they are little shits. Just like the person who presses the pelican crossing button when the road is clear, then crosses, and leaves cars stopping for no one.
If the pelican crossing has no pedestrians on it I haven't got a problem with cyclist slowing down and deeming it safe to continue without stopping. I'm not going to get worked up in my car and getting all righteous about it because I have to stop.
Maybe you feel the need to shout out the window and shake your fist at them? I don't.
Care to enlighten us as to why cyclists should have immunity from prosecution for the same offence?
I don't have a problem with people pressing the button when the road is clear and then crossing but am slightly irritated by parents who let their kids press the button again once they have crossed.
I don't have a problem with people pressing the button when the road is clear and then crossing
Do I toot my horn at imbecile drivers, yes, but anyone who knows me will tell you I don't get het up about.
An example would be people going straight ahead at a roundabout and being correctly positioned in the left lane whilst I'm going right and am in the right hand lane. They then don't check their mirrors and take the shortest route across the roundabout cutting you up!!!
Team Bike.
The anti-bike brigade go on and on about cyclists disobeying rules. An apparently law abiding cyclist points out the fault of the driver and he gets lamped for it?
I do
I restrain myself from tooting and only use it in extreme circumstances, and when I spot an imbecile driver I will keep more distance.
Don't worry it wasn't me, but if I were turning right I would be driving slower than the car going straight ahead, not trying to drive along side it. I avoid side by side driving as much as possible. That's my driving tip for you today.
I never said they should have immunity from prosecution, I said I don't have a problem with it when I see it. I'm not a policeman, I'm not the law, and I am not the cyclist.
What I do see is you having a problem with me not having a problem, but that's your problem.
As a driving instructor, I don't need a tip from you. For example, you shouldn't go faster on the outside of a roundabout, in effect overtaking on the left!! Also, the fact that I am aware of the driver should have made it clear that I was not too close!!!!
That's not true, you do have a problem when car drivers do it, that is your problem.
Seriously? This is where it's all wrong . Somehow if you get annoyed & shout some rude words you deserve to be assaulted. As previously mentioned, that should be left in the playground.
I never said he deserved to be assaulted, I said he cannot complain about it.
I don't see the difference - When did violence become okay as a response to some verbals?
Firstly, I didn’t say the left hand lane should go faster on a roundabout, I said if you are turning right at a roundabout you have to go slower. If you are going to play this game at least quote me properly.
If you really want to go into this deeper though there are many different types and sizes of roundabouts and they should all be approached and exited with good judgment and dealt with accordingly on an individual basis. You are welcome to post an image of the roundabout in question and we can discuss this further?
Also, if someone is indicating to turn right you can overtake them on the left.
And if you didn’t consider yourself too close, and you were turning right anyway, it cannot be described as being cut up unless you were actually tailgating in the first place.
I have never seen a car deliberately go through a red at a pelican crossing so I don't see it as a problem let alone my problem![]()
That's because the majority of car drivers are law abiding people, unlike a large number of cyclist that continually ride dangerously through red lights. It's not such much as they do it, but the fact they don't see what is wrong with doing it, or the dangers of it.
Apart from those car drivers who exceed the speed limit of course.