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Richard Dawkins to arrest Pope Benedict.!!!!!

Tyrone Biggums

Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
Geelong, Australia
I note that another poll has a majority in favour of a curb on immigration - do you really think that's a left-wing policy?

Actually it does have a left wing backing.

It's been supported by the left wing Greens movement.

They are now asking how many people can the continent support without damaging the environment.

They have now appointed a minister to look specifically into what is our limit and how can we meet that amount of peoples needs.

The Green religion has many worshipers too.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Just to highlight the mindset of the idiots who run it.

One of their employees was arrested in Singapore trying to bring ICE(the drug) into Australia.

Not the ABC, they give the fucker a nice cushy job and a pay rise.

Imagine that, someone breaks the law and his bosses just transfer him to a different job. It's good thing that the Catholic Church doesn't behave that way.

... Oh

Tyrone Biggums

Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
Geelong, Australia
Imagine that, someone breaks the law and his bosses just transfer him to a different job. It's good thing that the Catholic Church doesn't behave that way.

... Oh

Which just proves my point.

Governments do the same thing.

Actually they are worse, far worse.

Imagine if you said you were going to go invade another nation resulting in thousands of deaths on the premise of a lie.

And even when it's discovered the original story wasnt so truthful you dont face going to jail anyways depsite it resulting in those thousands of deaths.

If Dawkins was so noble and beyond reproach perhaps he should be campaigning to have some of his own politicans arrested rather than worry about a foreign dignitary.

Oh but wait, that hasnt got anything to do with his new book so that wouldnt be any good publicity anyway.

Excuse my cynicism.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
It's a shame none of this cynicism is used towards an organisation that supports paedos, bans the use of condoms and believes in ghosts and the supernatural

No, be fair, it's not that they have paedos it's the gays who cause these problems or the children themselves. That must be right, leading members of the Catholic Church have said so.

Excuse MY cynicism.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
What exactly have they said?

You mean you don't know ? Call yourself a good Catholic ? Apparently, according to Cardinal Bertone, the Pope's second in command, all of this paedo stuff is caused by homosexuals.

I mean, what a complete twat. How can you attempt to defend something that has that sort of idiot at it's head ?

Tyrone Biggums

Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
Geelong, Australia
It's a shame none of this cynicism is used towards an organisation that supports paedos, bans the use of condoms and believes in ghosts and the supernatural

It is, and often.

You obviously think that people who believe in a God have never sat down and asked themselves why they believe or why they are part of whatever organizationhey belong to.

I say this with the upmost respect, but you come across as being totally clueless in regards to people who have a faith.

Tyrone Biggums

Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
Geelong, Australia
You mean you don't know ? Call yourself a good Catholic ? Apparently, according to Cardinal Bertone, the Pope's second in command, all of this paedo stuff is caused by homosexuals.

I mean, what a complete twat. How can you attempt to defend something that has that sort of idiot at it's head ?

Well what you said didnt ring a bell because its not how i read what he was saying.

I thought he meant there is a link between homosexuality and the abuse of boys by the men who undertake it.

Which would be correct.

You dont screw any kind of male regardless of age unless you prefer men.

You think the high court judges and politicians who screw rent boys are hetrosexual, hell no, they are paedos with homosexual tendencies.

Conversely if a priest abused only girls his paedophilic tendenices have a more hetrosexual basis to them.

He's not saying gay men screw kids, he's saying those who abuse boys have homosexual tendenices.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
It is, and often.

You obviously think that people who believe in a God have never sat down and asked themselves why they believe or why they are part of whatever organizationhey belong to.

I say this with the upmost respect, but you come across as being totally clueless in regards to people who have a faith.

Well, you come across as a completely brain dead idiot who feels that as a 'Good Catholic' you can defend the indefensable. The fact that you have swallowed the crap about gays says it all.

Of course I mean with the utmost respect. For the record, I am a happily relapsed Catholic who prefers to believe in Little Green Men from Mars as unlike Heaven, Mars exists.

I am an aetheist, and I can see the good that the Catholic Church provides, in terms of providing people with a sense of unity, a sense of purpose, and a sense of belief and in the direct sense in terms of aid. However I can also see the problems and the shortcomings, in terms of it's policy towards HIV/Aids and contraception, it's refusal to update or come to terms with new ideas, and most recently it's truly truly shocking covering up of child sex offenders.

There are far too many myopic people on both sides of this argument. I have cynicism towards overt aethists, and I have cynicism towards the Catholic Church and organised religion in general. It is possible to accept that your argument has some shortcomings while still believing in it.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
I am an aetheist, and I can see the good that the Catholic Church provides, in terms of providing people with a sense of unity, a sense of purpose, and a sense of belief and in the direct sense in terms of aid. However I can also see the problems and the shortcomings, in terms of it's policy towards HIV/Aids and contraception, it's refusal to update or come to terms with new ideas, and most recently it's truly truly shocking covering up of child sex offenders.

There are far too many myopic people on both sides of this argument. I have cynicism towards overt aethists, and I have cynicism towards the Catholic Church and organised religion in general. It is possible to accept that your argument has some shortcomings while still believing in it.

The point is that when the leaders of the Catholic Church continue to not only deny the accusations but also try and blame somebody else it shows how low they really are prepared to stoop. Worse still, as you can see their followers believe it.

Tyrone Biggums

Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
Geelong, Australia
Well, you come across as a completely brain dead idiot who feels that as a 'Good Catholic' you can defend the indefensable. The fact that you have swallowed the crap about gays says it all.

Of course I mean with the utmost respect. For the record, I am a happily relapsed Catholic who prefers to believe in Little Green Men from Mars as unlike Heaven, Mars exists.

Wow now the personal abuse, well done.

No where in this thread have i defended the abuse of children nor those who have undertaken such vile acts.

Even though I have wirtten in this thread lock up the guilty people and throw way they key that apparently means i'm defending them, strange logic

I'm just defending the decent ones, from thoes who chose to tar all with the same brush,

I have not swallowed any crap about gays, its simply science. Got f*** all to do with religion.

The fact you cant understand that there's ultimately a homosexual or hetrosexual preference within the paedos psychi mean you cant have too open a mind.

And I say good on you for sitting down and deciding if you believed or dont believe.

Unlike you though I dont feel the need to deride your ultimate choice because its something personal to you and its your truth.

If you feel the need to slag off others though because their choice isnt the same as yours then go foir it if it makes you feel better.

I can assure you i'm not brain dead, Which is why I don't resort the to the lowest common denominator and abuse people.


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
I have not swallowed any crap about gays, its simply science. Got f*** all to do with religion.

The fact you cant understand that there's ultimately a homosexual or hetrosexual preference within the paedos psychi mean you cant have too open a mind.

just to be clear now, so we cant be accused of not understanding the deep and varied details of individuals faith within the catholic (or other) church: are you saying you agree with Cardinal Bertone and his premise that homosexulaity is the cause of paedophilia?

Tyrone Biggums

Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
Geelong, Australia
just to be clear now, so we cant be accused of not understanding the deep and varied details of individuals faith within the catholic (or other) church: are you saying you agree with Cardinal Bertone and his premise that homosexulaity is the cause of paedophilia?

I don't believe it has anything to do with it at all, there's nothing wrong with gay people mentally or physically.

And I read his statement as about refuting celibacy as a reason for paedophilia NOT about saying gays are paedophiles.

Being gay doesnt mean you want to have sex with male children, that's ludicrous.

But Paedophiles will generally have a prefence for the sex of their victims.

Those who prefer boys will have a homosexual "preference" though otherwise they'd just abuse any child.

If they solely abused girls they'd appear to have a hetro preference.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 15, 2008
I thought he meant there is a link between homosexuality and the abuse of boys by the men who undertake it.

Which would be correct.

You dont screw any kind of male regardless of age unless you prefer men.

You think the high court judges and politicians who screw rent boys are hetrosexual, hell no, they are paedos with homosexual tendencies.

Conversely if a priest abused only girls his paedophilic tendenices have a more hetrosexual basis to them.

He's not saying gay men screw kids, he's saying those who abuse boys have homosexual tendenices.

But, what does sexuality have to do with it? Nothing.

It is a smokescreen, it is trying to blur a quite distinct line between the abuse of boys and homosexuality. They are suggesting that it is not that these men are being forced into sexless lives, it is about their own homosexuality - not the church's fault it's because they're gay.

They are doing it to both distract from the criticism the church is facing for covering up the abuse, and to further their own anti-gay agenda.

Yes, there are gay paedophiles and straight paedophiles, but there are many psychologists that believe paedophilia is not about sexuality, much like rape, there are issues of power and control, ambiguity of sexual identity, etc.


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
And I read his statement as about refuting celibacy as a reason for paedophilia NOT about saying gays are paedophiles.

thats not what he said though is it. he's clearly tried to deflect the paedophilia issue into a knock against homosexuals. otherwsie, why say anything at all? in effect he is saying celbacy isnt the problem, its a few rotten homos in the preisthood that cause all the trouble. as if that makes it ok somehow.

Tyrone Biggums

Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
Geelong, Australia
But, what does sexuality have to do with it? Nothing.

It is a smokescreen, it is trying to blur a quite distinct line between the abuse of boys and homosexuality. They are suggesting that it is not that these men are being forced into sexless lives, it is about their own homosexuality - not the church's fault it's because they're gay.

They are doing it to both distract from the criticism the church is facing for covering up the abuse, and to further their own anti-gay agenda.

Yes, there are gay paedophiles and straight paedophiles, but there are many psychologists that believe paedophilia is not about sexuality, much like rape, there are issues of power and control, ambiguity of sexual identity, etc.

It was to refute the constant rubbishing on by people who say celibacy causes paedophillia.

Which it clearly does not.

Sexuality I thought was raised as part of the John Jay study which was compiled research by psychologists and psychiatrists.

There probably wasn't a need to emphasize it the way it was but alot of it has also been taken way wya out of context by people who just read it as "gays screw little boys".

This kind of thing will disappear though as a generational gap changes over within the church.

I'd bet most people grandfathers who are the same age as these people probably "dont like the poofs" either.

A priest of 30 years of age will have completely different views to a priest of 70 years of age.

Perhaps some within the church do have an anti-gay agenda.

Shame on them then, it makes them as low a common denominator as the anti-religion brigade.

And I'm not sold on the rape as a power thing. There's plenty more ways to emphasize ones power over someone without having to make it a sexual act.

Tyrone Biggums

Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
Geelong, Australia
thats not what he said though is it. he's clearly tried to deflect the paedophilia issue into a knock against homosexuals. otherwsie, why say anything at all? in effect he is saying celbacy isnt the problem, its a few rotten homos in the preisthood that cause all the trouble. as if that makes it ok somehow.

From the transcript I read he used the word homosexual once and that was in relation to the celibacy issue.

Re-reading it I think they are guilty of not writing the statement with context or explanation for their statement and emphasising the distinction of the reports findings.

And the core issue is a few rotten paedos, not gays. I dont know any catholics who think being gay makes someone a paedo which means your average run of the mill catholic is well aware of the truth,

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