Also this from the Ramones purely for the line, 'beat on the brat with a baseball bat' simple but to the point, and he energy from the two and a half minutes
This one got to number one in 1977, and showed even Spanish lovelies were catching the punk rock bug
Punk and Reggae went hand in hand during that period with gigs containing acts from each. I went to see Dillinger in the mid 70's at the Top Rank Suite at the bottom of West Street.
No it's not, on so many counts, although to be fair, it was one of his better records. To put the Brotherhood of Man on a punk music thread, though - or any sort of music thread for that matter - is just plain perverse.
On the other hand, this is the proper stuff .............
There’s joking and then there’s trolling.
It was never a good TOTP when the best thing to have a tug to on the show was Brotherhood of Man.
ABBA roulette was a challenge, ensuring that Agnetha was on screen when you reached the vinegar strokes instead of a grinning Benny or Bjorn, both of which caused more self loathing and wangst than normal.