fork me
I have changed this
Test post - nothing to see here!
Interesting. A friend's forum, which also runs vBulletin autochanges private message to Personal Message. Just wanted to see if it was a general vBulletin thing.
You need to get out a bit more fella.
Interesting. A friend's forum, which also runs vBulletin autochanges private message to Personal Message. Just wanted to see if it was a general vBulletin thing.
Is this the plaice for more fish puns?
Nope, l posted a whole new thread for those a couple of weeks ago, fill your nets on there.
done to death
Have you tried switching it off, and then back on again?
Always slightly scares me when I get a Private Message. It's almost always some FREAK assuming I give a shit about their PM that is too precious to share on a public forum