This could run for years.
Bry Nylon Test your smoke alarm Helpful Moderator Jul 21, 2003 20,952 Playing snooker Feb 19, 2021 #42 Simster said: The only time I get a PM it is from that fat Knob jockey wanker. I'm always hopeful that I've upset him. Happily that is usually the case. Click to expand... Well, that's the LAST time I PM Simster
Simster said: The only time I get a PM it is from that fat Knob jockey wanker. I'm always hopeful that I've upset him. Happily that is usually the case. Click to expand... Well, that's the LAST time I PM Simster
fork me I have changed this Oct 22, 2003 2,186 Gate 3, Limassol, Cyprus Feb 23, 2021 Thread starter #43 Tory Boy said: You need to get out a bit more fella. TB Click to expand... I would if I was allowed. We have a proper lockdown here, you have to send an SMS to a government number just to get permission to go shopping.
Tory Boy said: You need to get out a bit more fella. TB Click to expand... I would if I was allowed. We have a proper lockdown here, you have to send an SMS to a government number just to get permission to go shopping.