And you have changed your tune, 24 hours ago it was Gus, Gus and Gus alone.....There are so many back trackers on this board it unbelievable. At least I go down with my ship and not jump in the boats and bollox to the women and children.
I really must insist you learn to read and go back to read my previous posts on this subject. This time yesterday you were throwing bullying accusations around! You want to talk about backtrackers?
You are an internet bully. Anyone who try's to undermine someone about there lack of grammar or spelling etc, is a bully of sorts. Anyway enough of that, just putting the record straight.
Me? Christ, if you struggle to cope with me you're going to get torn up online.
Can Kevin the dick and ninja fanny get a room and shag each other up the arse rather than both talking out of it.
If Oscar takes us up many on here will say, it's partly down to Poyet. Despite the fact Oscar has bulked up the squad physically by introducing Ince, Andrews, Kemy and bringing back Crofts, all much more attack minded and a physical presence. Playing with two wide men(maybe after Saturday, we can expect to see more of this) on the pitch and by playing a more direct attacking game.....Buckley has already publicly said the players are loving the new style and I am lead to believe there is a real feel good factor around the whole place, which has been missing for quite a while....Let's get one thing straight, what ever we achieve this season is down to Oscar and nothing to do with Poyet.
Unless it's got a fanny the otherside i'm not interested Vulture and asides that i'm not into teaching....
You both support the same team for gods sake. Agree to disagree and move on.
You both support the same team for gods sake. Agree to disagree and move on.
Where did I say I struggle to cope lol,,,,do me a favour child...Have you not read some of the abuse I get, it's water off a ducks back. But at least most people don't resort to picking on someone's bad grammar.....Struggle to cope, I couldn't give a shite....Torn up online, that about sums you up.
I would agree with you. People disagreeing with me, I have no problem with. People who think I talk a load of crap I have no problem with. But kids who think they are funny trying to rip the piss out of people's grammar and spelling grips my shite, that's pathetic.
Poor effort. Your grammar is shit. Whether I mention it or not, it is. And it says a lot about you.
Poor effort. Your grammar is shit. Whether I mention it or not, it is. And it says a lot about you.
I'm done. Our opinions are clear.
If people always agreed we'd soon get bored.
Message boards would die a death.
Poor effort. Your grammar is shit. Whether I mention it or not, it is. And it says a lot about you.
I'm done. Our opinions are clear.
This could be interesting the Sunderland job may depend on how they view the gross misconduct charges.
Sunderland are understood to be making detailed inquiries about the precise circumstances which prompted the 45-year-old Uruguayan's acrimonious departure from Brighton – something that remains the subject of legal proceedings – in June. The identity of their new manager may well hinge on Short's reading of the situation.
Interesting. He's going to have to piece it together as there's no way Bloom can say anything, even "off the record". Also think if Meulensteen is interested that would be a far better appointment for them.
Still puts Poyet in pole position for the next one