Poor old George, I wonder what he'll do when this lot fall out of power?
Good point. What did he do before? Has he ever had a job?
Poor old George, I wonder what he'll do when this lot fall out of power?
Good point. What did he do before? Has he ever had a job?
Good point. What did he do before? Has he ever had a job?
Millionaire anyway. Plus £68'000 pa minimum if he decides to stay on as an MP. Throw in a few non-Exec Directorships from his friends in the City and the inevitable book deal with serialisation rights in the Mail on Sunday prior to publication and the chances are he'll probably scrape by, even though he's f***ing clueless.
Well there won't be many Brits going to Oz for the Lions tour, you now get half the AUD's you did at the Sydney Olympics...
The contributors on the Peston blog (where i get all my information) have been saying for 5 yrs that something BIG has to go, whether it be the nhs, benefits or The PIGS from the Euro or a complete reset of property prices in the UK to allow earnings to equalise. If none of these things happen then expect a 10yr+ depression.
That's what you get when one government has spunked money it never had, and borrowed enough to cripple us for generations. Then the next lot come in and proceed to kill all signs of life that were left in the economy! What is really worrying is what option will there be for the next elections? I can see UKIP and the far righ/left parties having a field-day.
It would be better to go to Oz, and do a bunk to stay there!
try looking elsewhere
try looking elsewhere
Where? Down the back of the sofa? We don't all believe in Labour's magic money tree. How any Chancellor coming in to sort out the mess left by war criminal Blair and dopey Brown can be blamed for what has happened is idiotic. Labours budget plans were virtually identical to the Tories at the last election - why? Because there are no other options, no magic bullets. This will take another 5 years or so to sort out, maybe longer. Anyone thinking otherwise is being too optimistic IMO.
You're in germany, surely you're getting paid in euro's, sterling weakness is good for you ?1.15113 with the people which convert my wages. That's bollocks.
You're in germany, surely you're getting paid in euro's, sterling weakness is good for you ?
The Tory budget plans were virtually identical to Blair's when he trumped them in the elections that followed 1997.
Where? Down the back of the sofa? We don't all believe in Labour's magic money tree. How any Chancellor coming in to sort out the mess left by war criminal Blair and dopey Brown can be blamed for what has happened is idiotic. Labours budget plans were virtually identical to the Tories at the last election - why? Because there are no other options, no magic bullets. This will take another 5 years or so to sort out, maybe longer. Anyone thinking otherwise is being too optimistic IMO.