Dunno if anybody has mentioned this, but:-
Rudi is Trumpleton's lawyer.
Let than sink in for a minute!
Rudi is Trumpleton's lawyer.
Let than sink in for a minute!
My ears are older than yours and I heard 'sucked up,', and very late on I heard the ',f*ck',...looked as if Susannah heard it clearly.Initially I thought Rudi dropped the f-bomb but watching it back it sounds like 'sucked' and his lips seem to form an 's' rather than an 'f'. However, later on in the conversation it sounds a bit like Rudi DID drop an f-bomb, although these are 51 year old ears and not what they were.
To me I thought that was as bad a caning as I've seen Piers Morgan receive. He is accused of talking over his guests and in this case it has backfired because in talking over them he misheard a swear-word, then made a false accusation about swearing which simply inflamed the situation. And Rudi went to town on his journalist career in the States.
As for poor Susannah Reid, I know she's a Palace fan and so used to hearing abuse but surely she needs to switch shows and get away from this tabloid cartoon of a man Morgan?
DavidinSouthampton;93668 86 said:Personally I don’t particularly like him, but he is doing a necessary job in reminding people - many of whom are not listening - what a bunch of incompetents we have in power at the moment.
But on another matter, we announced yesterday as many deaths as all the countries of the European Union put together. And if you look down the list of countries which announced zero deaths yesterday it is very sobering.
I had a conversation with somebody this morning, a lifelong Tory voter, who said “oh well, they’re doing as well as they can”. Piers Morgan is questioning whether it’s good enough, which it isn’t!
Piers morgan - a man who hacked people’s phones and faked dead soldier photos for his own gain, he doesn’t hold anyone to account I’ve seen several interviews with government officials that’s he’s done and he shouts at people and doesn’t engage in conversation, in addition to this his social media twitter posts have been disgusting throughout this whole crisis - he takes glee in the death toll rising.
How people don’t see he’s simply using the platform he has to further his ego I don’t know but each to their own if you like him.
Word of caution about that claim ...
9/ To give an idea of what Spain’s "method" does: if England adopted the same approach, yesterday NHS would have reported 20 new deaths, not 179. A nice little reduction of 90%.
England would have reported deaths in the teens and 20s all week. 152 for the week, instead of 995.
Guess when they introduced the counting method change...
0-0 draw, neither of them came out of that with any credit.
Christ I hate to be the one to defend him not once, but twice..
How is he 'queen of the gammons'? He was always anti-Brexit, but accepted the vote and thought we may as well get on with it.
I see you’re one of the many Karen’s who believes shouting at someone is holding them to account. I’ve blocked him on twitter anyway, if you follow him and haven’t noticed how he only posts when the death toll goes up then I suggest you go back and have a look.
As for his past, knowingly or not he printed false pictures on a national newspaper and put families of the people in the picture through turmoil, how he’s weedled his way into one of the most prominent positions on daytime TV I don’t know.
From this