Morgan getting a dose of his own medicine - someone ranting and interrupting.......didn't like it did he.......

Morgan getting a dose of his own medicine - someone ranting and interrupting.......didn't like it did he.......
Morgan getting a dose of his own medicine - someone ranting and interrupting.......didn't like it did he.......
Weird how Morgan has managed to reinvent himself from queen of the gammons to the voice of reason. Did he just wake up one day and realise all the phone hacking etc was a mistake, then change his ways? Was he always of the opinions he has now but decided to hide it for career purposes? All very odd.
I'm conflicted about Piers Morgan.
He's clearly very intelligent. You don't become the editor of a daily red top in your 20's without incredible talent. That said, some of the mistakes he's made have been career-ending, yet he's managed to Teflon himself and bumble on. I don't really like his brand of 'opinion' journalism, yet I've found myself agreeing with him more frequently than I did in the past. He's been one of the very few mainstream journalists who've been consistently right about COVID-19 and held Government ministers to account. Perhaps it's a sad indictment of the level of journalism in this country that Piers Morgan is the person hauling our politicians over the coals, but is that Piers' fault?
He's a loudmouth, he's arrogant and he's entitled. But he's also considered and astute at cleverly backing interviewees into a corner. I sort of dislike the man, but respect his talent at holding parliamentarians to account.
Piers morgan - a man who hacked people’s phones and faked dead soldier photos for his own gain, he doesn’t hold anyone to account I’ve seen several interviews with government officials that’s he’s done and he shouts at people and doesn’t engage in conversation, in addition to this his social media twitter posts have been disgusting throughout this whole crisis - he takes glee in the death toll rising.
How people don’t see he’s simply using the platform he has to further his ego I don’t know but each to their own if you like him.
Weird how Morgan has managed to reinvent himself from queen of the gammons to the voice of reason. Did he just wake up one day and realise all the phone hacking etc was a mistake, then change his ways? Was he always of the opinions he has now but decided to hide it for career purposes? All very odd.
More worrying is the level of political discourse nowadays. That sort of response would have been career ending 10 years ago. Now it's par for the course.
Trump knows full well that his ignorant opinionated, bullish stance will be lapped up by his supporters and will sway a proportion of the undecideds, who see his intolerance as strength.
Whichever data company that has filled the void since the demise of cambridge analytica, will do the rest.
Politics is no longer about who has the best policies.
It's about polarising opinion and making sure the electorate can be swayed to believe your opponent is the enemy.
I won't dispute his talent or intellect, but he's basically a populist rabble rouser.
Much like our PM, in his pomp, Piers stands back looks to see what way everybody is running then shouts 'quick follow me'.
He was poleaxed by 51% Brexit.
But Covid and now BLM where the lines drawn are pretty clear, he can get out his drum and preen himself knowing most aren't going to say:-
'f##k off you tw@t'.
Bit of a stretch that. He printed photos he believed to be genuine. He didn't fake them in his shed for a laugh.
Also, I've seen no glee on his twitter at all. Just incredulity at the absolutely abysmal Government handling. Perhaps you should save your venom for Boris Johnson who hailed 60,000 dead as "a huge success".
I take it you haven't read the replies to every single one of his tweets?![]()
Piers morgan - a man who hacked people’s phones and faked dead soldier photos for his own gain, he doesn’t hold anyone to account I’ve seen several interviews with government officials that’s he’s done and he shouts at people and doesn’t engage in conversation, in addition to this his social media twitter posts have been disgusting throughout this whole crisis - he takes glee in the death toll rising.
How people don’t see he’s simply using the platform he has to further his ego I don’t know but each to their own if you like him.