[Politics] People who have impressed/surprised you so far through this crisis (and who's been crap)

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Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
Sussex, by the sea
The NHS as always have been intergallactically brilliant. supermarkets have been extremely proactive, and so they should be, theyre the only ones on the make here. A big pat on the back to all the other 'vital services' the snowlfakes rely on. like amazon deliveries.

The government, typically, as the have been for the last 10 years or more, have been shit, utter utter shit, did anyone with even half a brain expect any different?

We are 'led by donkeys' and that is pure blasphemy to a hard working mammal of minimal cranial capacity.

the only ray of hope I can see is covid 19 wipes out the entire readership of the daily mail( and Rupert Murdoch) that should/could have enough of a knock on effect to make sufficient correction to the nation


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2015
Sittingbourne, Kent
Which part have you been unimpressed with?

Was it when he was very unwell at Home, but carried on working? Was it when he was in hospital and still working? Were you unimpressed when he was in ICU for 4 days and not bothering to work? Or have you got the right hump with him now for recuperating at Chequers after a week in hospital?

Nope, it was the bit around around when “he” asked people to stay away from pubs, etc., rather than closing them, and getting upset when people didn’t stay away from pubs, etc.

The decisions may not have been his alone, but the buck has to stop somewhere!

Tom Bombadil

Well-known member
Jul 14, 2003

Rishi and Hancock plus the Scientists that Boris has brought in.....good to see a Governement relying in the very most on science......


Starmer- Pathetic and shows us what it would have been like if Labour had won last year.
Andy Burnham- Quite happy to criticse anything that happens in London whilst patently failing to stop partygoers and Mancunian idiots from their atrocious behaviours.
Sadiq Khan-Jeez this guy is the real pants deal......here's hoping he gets ejected at the next mayoral elections.
Nicola 'Adolph' Sturgeon- Can;' even begin to work with the rest of the UK. In charge of a really corrupt and dishonourable Scottish Government which we can hopefuly kick out next year.
BBC and to a lesser extent ITV- Such negative and biased reporting....no real attept to report but a strong desire to sensationalise.Like the Sun newspaper but on TV.


Just a slightly biased selection there.

Tony Towner's Fridge

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2003
Just a slightly biased selection there.

Just saying it as I see it. Like most others. It's easy for politicians and other civic leaders to criticise in thes esituations. Slightly harder for them to be constructive and proactive, especally when they still have a political end game agenda, even in these troubled times......
Starmer is the ideal case in question.......who does he really represent apart from the North London Champagne Socialist set?



Tom Bombadil

Well-known member
Jul 14, 2003
From the govt Hancock seems like he's genuinely cares and is trying to answer questions .
Alok Sharma on the other hand never seems to know what he's talking about and is completely useless.
On a side note i'e never noticed how much of a personality vacuum Dominic Raab is. How on earth has he got so far in the Tory party


Well-known member
May 29, 2011
Boring By Sea
As has always been the case- the nurses, the lorry drivers, the bin men, the shop assistants, the postmen, the carers, not worth paying a decent wage but hey, when an emergency comes along we soon see whose work is and isn’t essential to the fabric of society. These are the people that impress.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
Sussex, by the sea
Nope, it was the bit around around when “he” asked people to stay away from pubs, etc., rather than closing them, and getting upset when people didn’t stay away from pubs, etc.

The decisions may not have been his alone, but the buck has to stop somewhere!

exactly right, he's incapable of making an informed decision, but has a team of ***** to back him up, he is however very good at lapping it up as a Churchillian leader spouting the kind of bollocks that keeps the retarded lemmings on his trail.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
Sussex, by the sea
From the govt Hancock seems like he's genuinely cares and is trying to answer questions .
Alok Sharma on the other hand never seems to know what he's talking about and is completely useless.
On a side note i'e never noticed how much of a personality vacuum Dominic Raab is. How on earth has he got so far in the Tory party

DR is a vacuum in many ways . . .I wonder if he's related to James Dyson ?


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2013
As has always been the case- the nurses, the lorry drivers, the bin men, the shop assistants, the postmen, the carers, not worth paying a decent wage but hey, when an emergency comes along we soon see whose work is and isn’t essential to the fabric of society. These are the people that impress.

Oh, I so agree with you, and spot on for the list. To draw on the thread title, they have certainly impressed but that's par for the course and, therefore, can hardly be considered surprising.


Well-known member
May 29, 2011
Boring By Sea
Oh, I so agree with you, and spot on for the list. To draw on the thread title, they have certainly impressed but that's par for the course and, therefore, can hardly be considered surprising.

Yep! But not to be taken for granted, dismissed or forgotten.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2014
Which part have you been unimpressed with?

Was it when he was very unwell at Home, but carried on working? Was it when he was in hospital and still working? Were you unimpressed when he was in ICU for 4 days and not bothering to work? Or have you got the right hump with him now for recuperating at Chequers after a week in hospital?

it was when he was laughing about shaking hands with loads of NHS workers in a hospital, genuinely believing that "the rules" don't apply to him.

extremely ironic

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
Another vote for Rishi Sunak as most impressive.

Least impressive I would put as a "thing" rather than person. Step forward The Guardian. Scaremongering, point scoring and resorting to clickbait headlines. My previous go-to paper and website has become unreadable.

There - a Tory in most impressive and a mainstay of the liberal elite as most shit. Blimey.

Can't leave the Guardian alone, the sports coverage is A1. The David Squires cartoon on Tuesday is something I always look forward to, plus the sage ramblings of Wilson and Ronay, the odd Glendenning. And the pod of course. Plus at least its not FESTOONED with intrusive pop-up videos and ads like the Mail is (which I still dip into for Martin Samuel). I can put up with the odd begging popup at the start. Its the best newspaper website for sports IMO.

Anyway, who's impressed me ? INFINITELY my wife (carehome) and daughter (RSCH) for their stoic determination to go in to work on their shifts and just get on with it. Its a constant source of angst for me, but they are just doing what they can and cracking on. I could not do what they do.

Unimpressed ? I've been watching most of the Trump daily updates, and I may have to stop, it just depresses and angers me, and is sending me to bed pissed off. The arrogance, the mudslinging, the blame-shifting, the childish petulance at journalists who are asking valid pointed questions that he doesn't like answering. The utter fiction he routinely spews. Its almost a perfect storm to have the most serious pandemic sweeping the planet in a hundred years, whilst having a narcissistic, delusional, borderline demented buffoon as leader of the Free World.


Oct 26, 2010
Caterham, Surrey
I watched Piers Morgan this morning what a vile odious individual. It's so easy asking the questions when let's be honest no one really has the answers. The man is a complete smug cock with Susanna Read popping up with ridiculous questions, I suppose it's TV's equivalent of The Sun.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 25, 2011
Withdean area
I'm in the minority but disagree with all this Starmer bashing. He's not asking for dates just a plan as things stand. Don't forgot we weren't that prepared for this (not working with the EU, ventilators, PPE, closing down travel, closing pubs etc) as well as we could have been and at one point our plan was herd immunity before quite radically shifting course thankfully. Planning for this in 3 weeks/3 months is no bad thing. Also understand the gov's position about sharing too much as it's too early.

I’m not anti Starmer or his wing of the Labour Party.

But it’s a strong suspicion of a ploy by Starmer, to later criticise the government if their exit plan doesn’t come off. In these unique times, the UK government has relative fortune in that it can see what does and doesn’t work for countries well ahead of us on the curve. The Danes, Spanish, parts of Italy and the Austrians are reopening sections of society, whilst others such as the French are taking a firm line.

Everyone is learning on the job. It really is not the time for a set UK strategy to be formulated and handed over to Starmer, as hundreds still die daily. Lets’s first see if that falls and how things are panning out on the continent.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2014
Good: Sarah from the Rustington Butcher and Deli, who takes orders over the phone from old people in the village and brings it round to their houses.

Bad: People (so often from the left of the political spectrum, I’m afraid) who see a disease killing hundreds a day yet still think it’s acceptable to publicly wish it onto vast swathes of people for having the temerity of holding different political beliefs or, in the case of one prick in this thread, for reading a certain newspaper.

Stat Brother

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 11, 2003
West west west Sussex
I'd like to nominate myself for being a bit crap.

I was late to the party, along with most, but I was later still.
TBH I'm still a little reserved.
My only daily check is 'coronavirus in my area', for which West Sussex is 'only' 487.
So despite knowing about symptoms/incubation time/transmission I do still have a little voice that is rather mocking of over elaboration of PPE. (My current :rolleyes: are those driving alone wearing masks)

But my main source of crapness is:-

I never knew how much of free spirit I am (was) in supermarkets.

I was all over the place throughout the store, touching stuff, studying it, for all I know scratching myself or flossing with a product while deciding if I'm going to buy it or not.

Fortunately I'm not even close to being Alpha enough to carry on as 'normal'.
But it's proving so hard to tow the line I must have been an absolute arse to shop with previously.


Mama said knock you out.
Oct 14, 2009
Really impressed with Alex Jones off The One Show. And Loius Tomlinson for suggesting One Direction might be betting back together, a masterstroke in these dark days.
This is the kind of positivity the country needs.

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