Is it PotG?
Thrifty non-licker
(A largely unchanged) Edward Street
Brighton, a town with a pub on every cornerSouthover Street?
How many pubs did Southover Street have back in the day!!! Brighton was famed for having a pub on every corner, but there must have been 30+ in Hanover
This thread is so dangerous to your time. Seeing that picture sent me down a rabbit hole trying to find out who Arthur H Cox & Co were to have such a grand building.
I believe he sold drugsThis thread is so dangerous to your time. Seeing that picture sent me down a rabbit hole trying to find out who Arthur H Cox & Co were to have such a grand building.
This thread is so dangerous to your time. Seeing that picture sent me down a rabbit hole trying to find out who Arthur H Cox & Co were to have such a grand building.
That’s one of the sites I ended up looking at And then followed more linksDitto. This has a mine of info.
On the left going down Edward St, is Frankie Vaughns. I know this shop has been trading under that name for many many years, but was it ever owned by the Frankie Vaughn?
Black Rabbit, Arundel?
Lego stand, perimeter fencing and pre disintegration of the concrete in the NE corner. Should date it.
Looks remarkably unchanged - even the bus stop is in the same place