I tried doing laps of my back garden this afternoon, as an experiment to see what it would be like if we were truly confined to home other than essential shopping.
I ran for 20 minutes, so anticipate I covered around 2.5 miles, possibly a touch less given the near-constant cornering. My watch clearly didn't have a clue what was going on as it only tracked 0.86 miles over the 20 minutes. My guess is it doesn't sample location frequently enough so just didn't track me running each relatively short side of the garden accurately.
I then tried running the shortest road lap I can from home. It's about 0.37 miles so 8 laps got me to 3 miles. Boring as hell though.
(Gutted around 1.5 miles from my garden laps won't make it into Strava!)
What watch ? A decent GPs watch shouldn’t be too bad - if you’re using some Apple thing it’ll probably be rubbish though
Anyway, poor effort. Have a look at what this chap did today........the sad **** [emoji23]