Hills, intervals and sprints 3 times a week plus two 6 mile runs is not easing back into running! It's intensive.
Spend two weeks jogging about feeling happy to be running and throw in some gradual and short faster work in between the warm ups and warm downs. Then do a Parkrun at 27" and tell yourself you've lost if you do it quicker.
100% this - surest way of messing yourself up again.
If you can get to a gym, use the elliptical trainer - you can replicate running sessions on it quite easily (intervals/tempo/hill/easy runs) without stressing the calf too much. After a calf tear (I've had several) you need to start reloading the calf very gently - short jog/walks to start with (minute on/minute off king of thing) but you'l be able to progress pretty quickly. Assuming no other problems it's usually 3-4 weeks of a 'return to running' schedule before you're fully back on plan (obviously getting progressively closer). Also very worth getting a sports massage as recovery continues to to deal with any scar tissue in and around the site of the tear.