Greg Bobkin
Silver Seagull
- May 22, 2012
- 17,062
*Novice alert*
Been for a couple of runs for the first time in a (very) long time recently. I haven't explicitly timed them, but have run for around 20 minutes at a steady pace just to ease myself in as it were.
I think I'd like to work towards doing 5ks, and would like to set myself targets but I'm not really sure what I should be looking at. Could anyone kindly suggest some reasonable targets? I'm in mid 20s, play a bit of football and cricket, have an average build and I'd be keen to do a couple of practice runs a week. A quick google suggests it's pretty subjective so any help is appreciated!
PS - quite fascinating to read the last few pages to see what you guys have got going on, seems a pretty sound NSC sub-community.
Welcome to this little crazy (sometimes) corner of NSC. I love it here and there are some great like-minded people who get involved and you'll ALWAYS be sure to get an answer to your question. With that in mind, I'll kick off and say first off well done for getting back out there. Running 20 minutes from nothing is good going – any idea what sort of distance that is? I'll be the first – but not only – one to suggest using parkrun as the focus of your 5k goal. Great mix of runners, really supportive and plenty to choose from around these parts – every Saturday at 9am. In terms of targets, I guess it is dependant on your build, weight, height, etc. There are guys on here posting 5k times I could only dream of, but that's the beauty of running – everyone has their own goals.
Other than that, when I first started running I would just run slightly bigger loops every time, so I was out for longer and spending more time on my feet. Nowadays I would suggest mixing it up with hills and speedwork, which will help your fitness and help you reach targets in order to set new ones. There is probably everything you need around this area – hills, long flat stretches along the seafront, countless running clubs, track availability and the downs if you fancy getting into trails.
Good luck