Butch Willykins
Well-known member
Maffetone Training Update
Hi all, for any of you interested in low heart rate training - a further update on my Maffetone journey/experiment/progress over the last few weeks.
Been a bit of a weird month, I didn't feel I was making much progress so had a bit of a wobble mid month and considered jacking the whole thing in. I decided instead to bring in a small amount of speed work and so did a few faster KM's here and there and that really seemed to help both mentally and physically. It felt so so good to get the legs going again at 4.00-4.30 min/km pace. What I have seen in the last 10 days or so is a big improvement in my pace at my Maffetone heart rate (143bpm) so that's really good news. MAF Test this morning averaged 6.09min/KM but I've been lower recently. I should consistently be below 6min/KM pretty soon - seeing splits that begin with a 5 is such a joy!
So 8 weeks in now and I guess I've strayed away a little from pure Maffetone and am now probably moving towards 80/20 training (I'm kinda at 90/10 right now!), whatever it is I'm doing the plan is to stick to low heart rate most of the time and chuck in a few hard efforts here and there. Keep the easy runs easy and the hard runs hard (as someone much better at running than me once said!). I'm going to bring some hill work in once the trails have dried up a little more, I've really missed being up on the downs.
Some data below from my Maffetone runs and tests - all at a max HR of 143bpm.

Until next time - safe running!!!
Hi all, for any of you interested in low heart rate training - a further update on my Maffetone journey/experiment/progress over the last few weeks.
Been a bit of a weird month, I didn't feel I was making much progress so had a bit of a wobble mid month and considered jacking the whole thing in. I decided instead to bring in a small amount of speed work and so did a few faster KM's here and there and that really seemed to help both mentally and physically. It felt so so good to get the legs going again at 4.00-4.30 min/km pace. What I have seen in the last 10 days or so is a big improvement in my pace at my Maffetone heart rate (143bpm) so that's really good news. MAF Test this morning averaged 6.09min/KM but I've been lower recently. I should consistently be below 6min/KM pretty soon - seeing splits that begin with a 5 is such a joy!
So 8 weeks in now and I guess I've strayed away a little from pure Maffetone and am now probably moving towards 80/20 training (I'm kinda at 90/10 right now!), whatever it is I'm doing the plan is to stick to low heart rate most of the time and chuck in a few hard efforts here and there. Keep the easy runs easy and the hard runs hard (as someone much better at running than me once said!). I'm going to bring some hill work in once the trails have dried up a little more, I've really missed being up on the downs.
Some data below from my Maffetone runs and tests - all at a max HR of 143bpm.

Until next time - safe running!!!