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Official Running Thread

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
Unofficial SB for me. 22.32 if my strava / watch is backed up by an official result. 10 seconds down on last December but I was hiding a world of wine induced agony :lolol:

You missed [MENTION=26634]Simgull[/MENTION] who beat me easily. So in possibly the last NSC contest for a while I picked up both a table update and a wooden spoon!

Official time of 22.30, age grade 64.52% and a season's best please [MENTION=15605]knocky1[/MENTION] .

Apparently 331 people took part though when I was talking to Simgull before the start we both thought it was a low turnout. I joked I might break the top 80 for a change and this came true, picking up 60th place.

However, I would repeat, don't run with a hangover kids. It's not big, and it's not clever.

EDIT - an age grade PB since I have had a birthday since last season's SB - so not a bad day out after all.
Last edited:

Garry Nelson's teacher

Well-known member
May 11, 2015
Bloody Worthing!
Decent turnout at Worthing for what might well prove to be the last event for a while. 22.24 for me - a bit slower than last week and a bit windier too. 74.85% AG which put me in the top ten for AG. A visiting VM60-64 got a tad over 18 minutes and a tad under 90%. That's good running!


Active member
Sep 9, 2007
As a relatively new regular runner, I've not really taken much notice of this thread before but with no football I think it might be the next best reason for visiting NSC. Can I join the table?

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
As a relatively new regular runner, I've not really taken much notice of this thread before but with no football I think it might be the next best reason for visiting NSC. Can I join the table?

Only if you're really slow :wink:

I'm up for a long run as usual this morning just because my normal Sunday routine demands a long run. With no event now till July (and that possibly in danger as there will be a mass campsite available for 2 days) I'm wondering how people's mojos are? Are we all looking forward to a few months of just running for running's sake? Or are there small events (Arun River has been mentioned on another forum, as has Phoenix) that we reckon will survive and could be more fun anyway?

On our coaching group's WhatsApp group the feeling is quite positive. A chance to dial back, enter smaller events and get some trails in over the summer. Is everyone else in and around that ballpark?

I'm heading out just after 7 this morning and it will be interesting to see if the usual Sunday gaggle of runners is reduced to a few hardcore nutters.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2010
As a relatively new regular runner, I've not really taken much notice of this thread before but with no football I think it might be the next best reason for visiting NSC. Can I join the table?

Welcome on board. What sort of running are you doing?

I’m still on my sick bed and keeping out of everyone’s way to be on the safe side. Can’t even have a swim before the pool is closed.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Mar 27, 2013
Burgess Hill
On our coaching group's WhatsApp group the feeling is quite positive. A chance to dial back, enter smaller events and get some trails in over the summer. Is everyone else in and around that ballpark?

100% this. I can quite happily do events, or not do them. Helps to have a target sometimes but not essential. With no football and enforced homeworking I’ll have more time to run, so will train a bit harder - great opportunity.

We need to have an NSC ORT run....maybe on a Saturday to replace a game, failing that a Sunday morning ? Up on the Downs somewhere followed by a brekkie.........?


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2010
100% this. I can quite happily do events, or not do them. Helps to have a target sometimes but not essential. With no football and enforced homeworking I’ll have more time to run, so will train a bit harder - great opportunity.

We need to have an NSC ORT run....maybe on a Saturday to replace a game, failing that a Sunday morning ? Up on the Downs somewhere followed by a brekkie.........?

A splendid idea.

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
100% this. I can quite happily do events, or not do them. Helps to have a target sometimes but not essential. With no football and enforced homeworking I’ll have more time to run, so will train a bit harder - great opportunity.

We need to have an NSC ORT run....maybe on a Saturday to replace a game, failing that a Sunday morning ? Up on the Downs somewhere followed by a brekkie.........?

Oh yes - absolutely in for that. My weekend calendar has miraculously cleared out for some reason so I have some availability :lol:

A nice 2 hours for me today. Didn't look at the watch apart from to gauge where to turn and eased right off the pace after yesterday. Will no doubt be the highlight of my week until the next long run. Plenty of other runners about too. Runners just run, don't they?


Sep 28, 2010
I participated in my first Park Run yesterday. Not a blistering time but managed 28:46. It’s the first time I’ve had my running shoes on for about 8 years so I was pleased to be sub 30mins.


Active member
Sep 9, 2007
Welcome on board. What sort of running are you doing?

I’m still on my sick bed and keeping out of everyone’s way to be on the safe side. Can’t even have a swim before the pool is closed.

Thanks for the welcome.

Always used to do a bit of light running (<5k) when I was playing football but stopped playing around two years ago. Been trying to got into running more regularly ever since but not really managed it until around August/September last year. I started going to my local park run (Littlehampton) and then a guy I knew from the gym said I should go running with him. Did some loops of Highdown and reconnected with my days of mountain biking in terms of getting on the trails. So I mainly run trails now. I am part of a small run group called Natural Born Runners who are mostly based around Worthing.

I did the Pompy half back in December (1:59), done 20 miles on the trails (once) and am aiming for something like the Arun River Marathon in May (C19 dependant).

So a good week will involve a night headtorch trail run (7-10k) somewhere around Cissbury/Steepdown way typically, Thursday is intervals usually on Worthing seafront or hill sprints, Saturday Park Run, Sunday longer trail run (10-21k depending) or may be a road run on my own. I have just started mixing it up with spin and gym as LA Wave as well.

Artie Fufkin

like to run
Mar 30, 2008
out running
Just fancied to get out for a nice long one today to clear the head and get for a couple of hours or so. Ended up running 21 miles. It was bliss. Weird to be putting a pause on Spring marathon training but as others have mentioned it's just great to be able to get out running for fun, enjoy the process and build for the future. Races can wait.


You can change this
Helpful Moderator
Jul 4, 2003
Back in Sussex
Just fancied to get out for a nice long one today to clear the head and get for a couple of hours or so. Ended up running 21 miles. It was bliss. Weird to be putting a pause on Spring marathon training but as others have mentioned it's just great to be able to get out running for fun, enjoy the process and build for the future. Races can wait.

I had a real urge last night to do the same thing - get up pre-dawn, but with first light appearing, and just run somewhere for a long time. I was thinking of running West to Angmering or Littlehampton and then looping back to Worthing.

However I went to a gig (figuring it will be the last one for some time) before coming home and drinking red wine watching True Lies. I think I went to bed around 2. So the run didn't happen. I might do it later though.

Related to this subject: I never take anything with me when I run - no liquid, gels nor anything else. The longest I've ever run is about 16 miles. Whilst it's still cool, how far do others run without taking anything with them (or stopping to buy something)?


Active member
Sep 9, 2007
I had a real urge last night to do the same thing - get up pre-dawn, but with first light appearing, and just run somewhere for a long time. I was thinking of running West to Angmering or Littlehampton and then looping back to Worthing.

However I went to a gig (figuring it will be the last one for some time) before coming home and drinking red wine watching True Lies. I think I went to bed around 2. So the run didn't happen. I might do it later though.

Related to this subject: I never take anything with me when I run - no liquid, gels nor anything else. The longest I've ever run is about 16 miles. Whilst it's still cool, how far do others run without taking anything with them (or stopping to buy something)?

I am going to Jon Hopkins at the Dome tonight which I suspect will be the last gig for a while....

As for running. I can now do 10k without needing to take water, although that may change as the weather warms up, but anything over that I wear my running vest and take a least one bottle of water. I have Tailwind powders to try but I was saving them for the next half marathon distance run.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Mar 27, 2013
Burgess Hill
I had a real urge last night to do the same thing - get up pre-dawn, but with first light appearing, and just run somewhere for a long time. I was thinking of running West to Angmering or Littlehampton and then looping back to Worthing.

However I went to a gig (figuring it will be the last one for some time) before coming home and drinking red wine watching True Lies. I think I went to bed around 2. So the run didn't happen. I might do it later though.

Related to this subject: I never take anything with me when I run - no liquid, gels nor anything else. The longest I've ever run is about 16 miles. Whilst it's still cool, how far do others run without taking anything with them (or stopping to buy something)?

Tend to take water for anything much over an hour, and some calories for anything over 2 hours......

Artie Fufkin

like to run
Mar 30, 2008
out running
I had a real urge last night to do the same thing - get up pre-dawn, but with first light appearing, and just run somewhere for a long time. I was thinking of running West to Angmering or Littlehampton and then looping back to Worthing.

However I went to a gig (figuring it will be the last one for some time) before coming home and drinking red wine watching True Lies. I think I went to bed around 2. So the run didn't happen. I might do it later though.

Related to this subject: I never take anything with me when I run - no liquid, gels nor anything else. The longest I've ever run is about 16 miles. Whilst it's still cool, how far do others run without taking anything with them (or stopping to buy something)?

There's always tomorrow Bozza.

I think it's important to consider taking water and some kind of fuel (gels or bars) on your long runs. Our body's glycogen stores last for about 90 mins. When I know I'm going to be running over 90/115 mins I usually wear a hydration vest to carry some water and a few gels. I'm liking the below Salomon vest at the moment but there's quite a few brands available. It comes with two 500ml soft flasks and a bladder (but I take the bladder out as I'm not going super long), plus a ton of stretchy pockets to store gels/nutrition, extra layers, keys, smart phone (when I'm running over 2 hours my wife always says I need to take my phone just in case.)

It's good to try a bunch of different brands when it comes to gels as some can cause an upset stomach. I use Science In Sport gels. For today's 21 miler I took 3 gels and water.

I'm probably different to most in that I prefer running "empty". Before morning long runs I only have a coffee and a pint of water, no food. I could bore you about the benefits of "fat adapting" :lolol: However as soon as I get back from a long run, particularly if it's a hard effort long run, I have to go straight into recovery mode and eat to refuel the body to help it recover. Usually porridge with chopped banana, blueberries and chia seeds, toasted bagel with jam or scrambled eggs, and a glass of milk or chocolate milk :smile:

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
I had a real urge last night to do the same thing - get up pre-dawn, but with first light appearing, and just run somewhere for a long time. I was thinking of running West to Angmering or Littlehampton and then looping back to Worthing.

However I went to a gig (figuring it will be the last one for some time) before coming home and drinking red wine watching True Lies. I think I went to bed around 2. So the run didn't happen. I might do it later though.

Related to this subject: I never take anything with me when I run - no liquid, gels nor anything else. The longest I've ever run is about 16 miles. Whilst it's still cool, how far do others run without taking anything with them (or stopping to buy something)?

Some good advice from the others. Personally I take water on anything over 90 mins (I have a lightweight hydration vest with spaces for two 500ml soft flasks, I only fill and take one) and water with a SIS Hydro tablet in plus gels for 2 hours or over. When I'm practicing race fuelling just before a marathon I'll have a gel every 30 mins to get used to it, but this is unnecessary if you're not going at race pace / prep. For this morning's 2 hour timed run I took one gel with me and had it on exactly half way.

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
Incidentally - and I apologise for further crossover but C19 really is a factor in everything - I stocked up on shitloads of SIS gels a couple of weeks ago for marathon training and the race. I will not now be needing these for a while. While they keep - they are basically sugar - I can't help but think they'd be a pretty good thing to have in if you had the virus and were struggling to swallow with a sore throat. Extremely unlikely that fat chavs will hoard them as well.


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2013
For some reason carried on with the training plan this morning with 20 miles up and back on the Adur/Downslink. Some of those I ran with were still preparing for SDW 50 but by the time we got back this had been postponed too. Thinking I’ll drop back to around 13 miles next week to have more enjoyable and less gruelling long run (that headwind coming back to SBS was evil).

Definitely up for a weekend thread run as suggested by [MENTION=27279]dazzer6666[/MENTION]- also thinking lunchtime runs are going become a regular thing as like many I am confined to working from home for Monday.

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