It does not work though, if we spend more it just generates more untaxable profits for offshore based companies. There is no " Trickle Down " if these companies make more money, just the exec's and the shareholder's who profit ...and Rishi has promised to get rid of EU " red tape " to set us " free", to scrap working conditions legislation in order to make more money.. .that does not trickle down ..and so it continues...Johnson was trying to puff a high skilled/high wage economy but the moment the RMT ask for a decent pay rise they are told to tighten their belts !
Christ alive man.
I was mocking the very idea!
Next you'll tell me that Swift's modest proposal was a genuine, er, proposal.
For future reference, I am a centrist labour member, fond of dull leaders and scornful of iconoclasts and gobshites.