Dangerous Idiot
The only thing kids should be taking is a milk crate.People with children in tow.
The only thing kids should be taking is a milk crate.People with children in tow.
The only thing kids should be taking is a milk crate.
It may be a debate among fans but some dont seem to understand the rules are govt imposed and the club has no leeway. Or do you expect the club to ignore the rules and for the whole trial to fail with no spectators in future?
I still don’t understand how the four seat distancing & no family bubble are government rules, when I have pointed out two different scenarios such as buses and hospitals are different?
PL or FA rules maybe?
I reckon people are really over-thinking this.
This is the first football match with spectators permitted for the best part of six months. I had an email conversation with Paul Barber on another matter last night, and I'm sure he won't mind he using his words "disproportionately complex" with regard to the planning of this match. It also sounds as though government permission for fans to be in attendance was received later than would have been liked.
As with all Covid-y things, it's case of a pragmatic slowly-slowly approach. Today allows many aspects of the process to be tested for the first time. As we progress, you would hope and expect those who live together, or who are "bubbled" will be able to sit properly together.
For now, let's just enjoy that we are taking the first step back to where we all want to be.
I reckon people are really over-thinking this.
This is the first football match with spectators permitted for the best part of six months. I had an email conversation with Paul Barber on another matter last night, and I'm sure he won't mind he using his words "disproportionately complex" with regard to the planning of this match. It also sounds as though government permission for fans to be in attendance was received later than would have been liked.
As with all Covid-y things, it's case of a pragmatic slowly-slowly approach. Today allows many aspects of the process to be tested for the first time. As we progress, you would hope and expect those who live together, or who are "bubbled" will be able to sit properly together.
For now, let's just enjoy that we are taking the first step back to where we all want to be.
I still don’t understand how the four seat distancing & no family bubble are government rules, when I have pointed out two different scenarios such as buses and hospitals are different?
PL or FA rules maybe?
You’re suggesting the govt guidance for different sectors, activities and walks of life are consistent and joined up.....
i bought a bhafc bag two years ago from the club shop. I took it to wembley last year, which passed their test so it is a4 size.
I do agree that same households should be able to sit together. I wouldn't want to go with children and have to space them out 4 seats apart. What happens if a child runs to its parent for something? Do they both get escorted out by stewards?
As with all Covid-y things, it's case of a pragmatic slowly-slowly approach. Today allows many aspects of the process to be tested for the first time. As we progress, you would hope and expect those who live together, or who are "bubbled" will be able to sit properly together.
For now, let's just enjoy that we are taking the first step back to where we all want to be.
I didn't read the rules until after we bought the tickets.
(I do hope this reply is attached to the thing I'm replying to, and not just chucked at the bottom of the thread.)
As an aside, interesting new use of language just crept in, well I've not ever seen it before anyways. 'The Bowl' seems to be defined as the bit inside the ground that isn't the concourses i.e it's the area comprising the seating area and the playing area
You’re right. I have no idea why I expected consistency. As Bozza has said, I’ve been over thinking it.
i am amazed at people whining over the fact that they have to sit 4 seats away from their offspring, or bestest friend, or whatever -with no one in between, for the duration of a football match, and that other venues allow sitting closer, or any of the other pathetic reasons that so called fans are having a pop at the club for.
The results of this could mean us fans getting to see matches much sooner than anyone expected. It may well be the deciding factor in whether clubs in the lower divisions actually survive this season.
No one is forcing anyone to attend, if you don't like the conditions, just don't go.
We are incredibly fortunate to have a club that has been at the forefront of getting fans back into stadia, and people are throwing hissy fits over seat spacing- totally pathetic- grow up and grow a pair
Sorry, I wasn't accusing you, nor anyone else specifically, of over-thinking things - I just replied to the post on the last page of the thread, having not read the preceding ones.
We simply don't know what communications, measures and agreements have been put in place between the club and the government in order to facilitate today, so I'm personally not dwelling on it at all. I'm just going to go along and try and enjoy it.