Aye agree ...but with freedom of speech comes a tad bit of responsibility I would have thought....and I definitely wouldn’t want the responsibility of moderating this forum ..thankless task
Anyway have a nice Christmas you ****** *****![]()
So is this not the right time to start a new thread,
"What do women know about football"?
Makes me laugh all this current pc bollox , A large amount of NSC members have taken part on a massive scale a keyboard warrior style of internet bullying of another NSC member , so much so that member stopped posting on a regular basis infact i can't recall the last time i saw him post , it may well seem harmless fun to take the piss out of people with learning difficulties on a football forum but i know 100% that nobody would say anything to his face that they've done on here , he's ultimately decided it's just not worth the hurt posting anymore , seems a shame that somebody has been singled out for being different and abused for it , iv'e only got to look at the NSC banner to realise it still seems to people to be just a bit of fun , it's not .
So is this not the right time to start a new thread,
"What do women know about football"?
Please see 141726, 188847, 188848 and 190019 to name but a few.
No one would ever accuse you of being too sensitive.
I have no idea how to find an old thread on here, so a bunch of numbers are really of no assistance.
Sorry, if I was not being too clear. The post to which I was responding, which was akin to another poster's views was that basically we should engage and not insult (presume we all agree with that!!) but then went to criticise the views of others stating that it is impossible to have a discussion with certain folk. What I meant was that those folk might feel the same about you (not you personally) and it might be your intransigence that is the problem, but of course it is easy to blame others for an impasse.
Ahhh...I see. Yeah that is a fair point of view, but the person who starts the abuse has lost the battle. I suppose it's an exercise in being a grown-up.
Do so, but realise it will be limited to just you and @Edna. I will read it with interest.
What or who are we allowed to hate these days ?....We def can`t hate Blacks , Jews , Gays !! Hopefully we are allowed to hate Murderers,Paedophiles etc. How about Thief or Bully ... Are we allowed to hate protesters who wish to impose their ideals on us all.
If we downgrade hate to dislike I reckon we can dislike anyone or any group !!
People are at perfect liberty to hate blacks, Jews and gays, they are just not permitted to disseminate their hatred or stir up hatred amongst others.
In some respects it might be considered preferable that their hatred is voiced on here where their opinions will be shot down, ridiculed and marginalised rather than on a forum of like minded individuals where those opinions will be condoned, supported and given validity.
I am glad that it isn't just me! I spent ages trying the search only to find this same thread!
The good guy vs **** ratio has definitely changed since 2016.
Going back a few months I was really starting to despair of NSC, with the large number of hate threads running. I am not of course referring to football, but the general anti-anyone who is different from me threads and racial stereotyping, of oh look another crime committed by someone who is....
Recently things seem much better and this may be connected to one or two banishments from the forum, but reading through the club statement, is NSC getting it right?
Bozza's comment that NSC is not mumsnet, is always something that comes back to me, when I try and get this straight in my own head. I like a lot of the debates on here and enjoy chipping in on a number of subjects, it can be a good way to let off steam. I also think the system of infractions and short bans, is helpful, for when someone for whatever reason has gone off on one and needs to calm down. There are however a small number of people, who add nothing positive at all and I also find it frustrating sometimes, when posters who have been a right PITA are allowed to come back with a new username and quickly resort to posting the same old SH1TE.
So is NSC getting it right? Personally I think broadly speaking it is working, but I would like to see a small number of permanent bans and a little less tolerance to thread starters, who never seem to contribute to anything else to the forum other than hatred.