Sad little tosser.Reported.
Play nicely or don’t play at all, lovely reference at the end..truly abhorrent.
Screenshot taken.

Sad little tosser.Reported.
Play nicely or don’t play at all, lovely reference at the end..truly abhorrent.
Screenshot taken.
Even the disgusting reference at the end?..
Does not surprise me from a homophobic thug like your self [emoji849]
Play nicely or don’t play at all, lovely reference at the end..truly abhorrent.
Screenshot taken.
did you get permission from the nasty nazi fairy to post that?
don't forget to get your chit signed!
Why don’t you just get the message you moron? Stop posting utter drivel or **** off.
Out of interest Roger, how old are you?
duly reported, screenshot taken
are you six?
(make sure you have permission before responding)
Got a spare space on our table…
The day I start taking advice from wronguns like you you?
Anyhooo, I’m off down the Buckingham to hopefully see England lift a major trophy for the first time in my lifetime, fancy joining me? Got a spare space on our table…
I’m Fifty, you seem very immature. Vey giggly.
Enjoy the match, let’s hope England win [emoji1303]
I hope so. I'd hate for a racist thick simpleton such as yourself to associate himself with someone who is obviously so much better in every department. You carry on the good fight bowing and scraping to Etonians and Royalty and championing the cause of humiliating and making the nation poorer and less liked, you cretinous mong.
Looking forward to your usual pitiful one sentence response already
Why am I not surprised?
Just the one mind,can’t accommodate both you and O’Nibble unfortunately. Enjoy the match,first major final in my lifetime,cannot wait [emoji1303]
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Just the one mind,can’t accommodate both you and O’Nibble unfortunately. Enjoy the match,first major final in my lifetime,cannot wait [emoji1303]
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk