Originally the Swankers
Peronal choice is Ok. my point is making ignorant commenst about otheres exercsing their choice whilst in their comopany.
E.g Fred, Tom and Bert go for a beer and then decide to have a curry. Bert does not like curry (personal choice) but joins the other two. When in the Taj Bert says in a loud voice 'I HATE THIS FORRIN MUCK' do me some chicken and chipe. This is where it is embarassing for his mates.
Does that help?
Pleased to discuss further.
I take your point that to go into an establishment and loudly moan about the food on offer, knowing full well where you going is yes an embarrassment, But to politely and without fuss ask for produce on the menu to be prepared in the way you wish it (chicken & chips) is not.
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