Well-known member
Me again. I think STV can be used in both PR (partially?) and FPTP, and also candidate elections, but others can indicate where I'm wrong on that.Cheers,
We number the candidates we like from 1 - how ever many there are. 1st preference, 2md preference, 3rd preference etc.
From the wiki
The system presently has a number of distinctive features including compulsory enrolment; compulsory voting; majority-preferential instant-runoff voting in single-member seats to elect the lower house, the House of Representatives; and the use of the single transferable vote proportional representation system to elect the upper house, the Senate.[1]
From here :
Proportional Representation in Australia
Proportional representation electoral systems are used in Australia to elect candidates to the Senate, the upper houses of NSW, Victoria, South Australia, and Western Australia, the Lower House of Tasmania, the ACT Legislative Assembly and many Local Government Councils.
So . . . . My understanding of PR was that we use it, however it seems that we don't
Difference Between First Past The Post and Proportional Representation
Discover disparities between First Past The Post (FPTP) and Proportional Representation (PR) electoral systems. Understand voting methods and representation
In FPTP, the candidate who wins the most votes in a constituency is elected, regardless of the total percentage of votes received. In PR, seats in the legislature are distributed to political parties based on their share of the total votes, aiming to reflect the overall popular vote.
We use electorates with boundaries that send 1 representative to the government so we are not PR
But the electoral council Wesbite things says we use PR systems
Now I am even more confused.