Moderates like Braverman, Patel, Badenoch?At the moment, the Tory party is being led by incompetent clones of Reform with the moderates waiting in the wings to take over once the election shit-show has played out.
Moderates like Braverman, Patel, Badenoch?At the moment, the Tory party is being led by incompetent clones of Reform with the moderates waiting in the wings to take over once the election shit-show has played out.
To add to the big picture, guess who's made a lot of money from non-advised insurance sales? Aaron Banks.If you know anyone who is thinking of voting for Reform or likes Farag, forget immigration or arguing about nostalgi, concentrate on telling them he will privatise health.
Led by Donkeys is concentrating on if on F/B. The Telegraph is admitting it.
Only Nigel Farage is telling the truth about the NHS
Embracing private healthcare while training British doctors is the sort of radical reform we
In 2012, under the guise of UKIP, he was giving out mixed messages talking about insurance.
Does UKIP want to privatise the NHS? - Full Fact
Although interim leader Nigel Farage has said he wants to move to an insurance-based NHS in the past he has now said he wants it to be free for all British nationals. The UKIP 2015 manifesto also
remember how once he won the referendum, Farage stepped forward to run and coordinate the implementation, ensuring it was done in his vision? no?To add to the big picture, guess who's made a lot of money from non-advised insurance sales? Aaron Banks.
(Tightly regulated, affordable and subsidised health insurance like in France or The Netherlands is fine with me BTW, but I'm sure Reform's won't be, it'll be US style with minimal regulation).
Why on earth has this not been scrutinised by the media? It's appalling.
I'm yet to read it, but this article outlines a different scenario to the one you do:I hate Farage. He's an utter c**t and a cretin. This applies to anyone who wants to make everything sound so simple and decides that he is speaking on behalf of everyone else against "the political elite". Well you don't speak for me you frog-faced tosser or I suspect 85% of the country. So much so that you daren't even go to Scotland because you are hated there so much.
But you know what, I'm glad he's there because he is splitting the right-wing vote and has handed the keys to Labour. I'm not convinced by Labour at all but we are past the point where it matters that much - this lot need to go. The Tory party are in this mess because they have cow-towed to this idiot for years, wrecked the country in doing so, driving sane people away. And Reform's popularity will flat-line. They have maxed out at 17% and will not get more than that, especially when the decent, integral centre-right politicians return to prominence in the Tory party as needs to happen to put a clear line between Reform and the Conservative party. At the moment, the Tory party is being led by incompetent clones of Reform with the moderates waiting in the wings to take over once the election shit-show has played out.
You've posted this before without context
News reporters in this country completely let us down when it comes to Farage, they play into his hands by asking questions he knows are coming and he's done his research and knows the figures etc, he completely owns them.
How about the next time he says about turning back the boats, or leaving the European Court a well research presenter calls his shit out and says why it's rubbish.
The same happened with Johnson.
Unfortunately, I think you are absolutely right. There often seems to be, (as Johnson himself acknowledges) 'a herd'. At the moment 'the herd' is creaming itself over Farage and giving Reform some momentum; but herd interest is only in constantly monitoring and celebrating opinion polls. There is no great interest in the manifesto or the ideologies beyond its stance on migration....Well that worked a treat
I think you vastly overestimate the British electorate, as proven conclusively (twice) this is what they like and vote for
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Unfortunately, I think you are absolutely right. There often seems to be, (as Johnson himself acknowledges) 'a herd'. At the moment 'the herd' is creaming itself over Farage and giving Reform some momentum; but herd interest is only in constantly monitoring and celebrating opinion polls. There is no great interest in the manifesto or the ideologies beyond its stance on migration....
Disagree with both of you on this. You're not talking about the electorate. You're talking about the electoral system, which distorts certain things, but not others (including Reform's seats in the next parliament).
And maybe have a serious think about why it is that so many within the electorate find Farage/Johnson appealing. It's more difficult to do this than to simply state that they're wrong (which they are, of course).
We need sensible coalition governance so I'll be voting Reform so they can temper and offset Labour's loony left communistic tendency.
Same, Tory all my life, but won't be voting for that shower that are currently running it. Reform for now as a protest vote against them. Then hope that the Conservative party sorts its act out for next time. Who knows, maybe Labour will do a good job. I often say Blair was the best conservative PM of my life. I'd be happy if Starmer does what Blair does once in power but I'm not holding my breath.
My "party of choice" used indeed to be Tory, but they have screwed up in the last few years. However, having said that, I hate to imagine what an almighty mess the Labour Party would have made trying to steer the country through the Covid nonsense. I will actually be voting Reform UK this time around. Nigel's views are very much aligned with my own.