And the grifter mentioned it today.It was reported in the Mail, Express, Telegraph & on GBnews
No other news outlet saw fit to mention it, only photographs of a black jacket, with and without a poppy.
I suspect it was the same people who said a work meeting in Durham was a party.
I'm quite interested when I hear folk on the radio who are clearly not interested in politics, and don't know much about it, but have caught a whiff of something Farage has said and had a lightbulb moment, and are now going to vote for him. It saddens me but it is what it is. We can't 'make' people educate themselves and take an interest in party politics. And, I mat think I'm right but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe a bet of populist blaggery is what the nation needs.
Farage did mention something to day with which I agree. I can't remember what it was, but it was an easy-win issue. You don't enrich yourself by creating a business/party by just coming out with horrible nasty shit. Say some nice things, then map that to the dog whistles (like Muslim-loving remembrance betraying Labour) and you have a viable franchise. The man was purring today.
I'm not sure how Campbell managed to restrain himself. You could tell he was getting close to an 'unprofessional' moment at one point.

And it is odd how different we all are. I deplore Farage and hope he loses his deposit. Others, such as old Potty, seem to think Farage is great. Weird. Apparently I have more in common with such people than I have differences. We even both support the same club. Yet sometimes I wonder if we even the same species?