Boris would make a good Bond. Michael Crawford is too old for the part.
Wrong. Just because its fiction doesn't mean it doesn't have its own established characters, worlds and customs within it.
Just because Star Trek is fiction doesn't mean you can go and make Dr Spock a Klingon who thinks rashly. That's just screwing with an established character because the writer is a wanker.
He gets my doris leaking like a busted fridge.
He's always been a white Scotsman.
We know why he's like he is now. It's called shit writers with agendas.
I find it amazing that after 25 or so films , films watched and loved all over the world , and which unless you have lived in a cave for the past 50 years know exactly who and what to expect from James Bond , there appears this unfathomable belief that he should now be a different race,gender or sexual orientation . WHY??
Not that there should be a change on "race", just no reason there should not be. I think the character should remain male, but it would not bother me so much if someone decided to make the Bond character a female, so long as she was still womanising, kick arse, and stylish.
Last time around there were people concerned about Craig, as he is blonde and not quite so handsome, turned out to be one of the best Bonds ever in my opinion.
The Bond movies have evolved, try it yourself, you might like it.
he's dead - spoiler - maybe watch the last filmJust saw this story about an awesome corn maze with a Bond design(See below), and got me thinking again about who the next Bond will be. Never really a fan of Daniel Craig tbh, and hard to beat Connery or Moore, but my personal choices are either Tom Hardy or Tom Hiddleston. Any other Bond fans here? Thoughts about next Bond? Favorite movie? Mine is Thunderball.
Huge Bond fan so hope they get it right.
Corn Maze:
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Evolved you say , what like Ghostbusters with Melissa McCarthy , change does not equal evolution , we could play in Red and Blue would that be evolving or as i believe ruin our identity . Bond is a white male , he has been since the beginning - that is his identity , and as with our magnificent Blue and white stripes works perfectly !
Evolved you say , what like Ghostbusters with Melissa McCarthy , change does not equal evolution , we could play in Red and Blue would that be evolving or as i believe ruin our identity . Bond is a white male , he has been since the beginning - that is his identity , and as with our magnificent Blue and white stripes works perfectly !
It's the same insane conversation regarding Rings of Power
Dragons and Elves and Fire Demons and Cockney Goblins - FINE
A person who maybe should technically be white being black (ie some of the hobbits/dwarves/elves) - OUTRAGE
Weirdly not an issue when it's the other way around, as well...
M was never a women. Money Penny was never a former field agent. Bond has been 7 different actors.
If you're not going to treat Bond with any creative license, you may as well stop because we've already gone well beyond Fleming's oeuvre.
Incidently, Fleming didn't write Bond to be Scottish until after Dr No. was released in You Only Live Twice. These writers screwing with established characters.![]()
He's always been a white Scotsman? Except when he was English (Moore, Craig), Welsh (Dalton), Irish (Brosnan) and Australian (Lazenby). Otherwise, you're spot on. All about agendas rather than the best actor the time. Except... You know the original "white Scotsman" only got the role as a placeholder for an Englishman?
Even with Fleming, he always intended for him to be English but after seeing Sean Connery he was compelled to write Scottish origins into James Bond's background. I guess it means that a fictional character, you can make it up as you go along.
Our blue and white kits? That started out green and white before changing in the early 1900s?
Also, the Ghostbusters film isn't objectively bad. I found it perfectly decent and my son thought it was fantastic, but he's not going into it with any agenda other than to watch a film about people busting ghosts. The hilarious thing about some people these days is that they either a) write things off before watching because, for example, there are female Ghostbusters or black elves etc or b) go into it so predisposed to hate it because of their own agenda that they simply can't or won't enjoy it.
I mean, it's completely up to you, but so many people miss out on new things because they can't see past whatever agenda they have.
I`m well aware of the colour of our kit in the early 1900s - and how did that go ? .
As for the 2016 Ghostbusters film not being "objectively bad" the box office considered it a flop , making considerably less worldwide at todays prices than the original made in 1984 at the price at the time . Anyway what has that got to do with my preference for Bond , it is only my personal preference , you have yours . And what exactly am i missing out on ? . And what am i so predisposed against ? . Like you i choose what i want to watch based on previous experience , i don`t like Rom/Coms because i watched one and didn`t like it , i watched Star Wars and loved it so watched them all , not difficult is it . But for you to make assumptions about my viewing choices without knowing them is a bit strange .
Well James Bond is dead. So yes, they should stop.
No idea, you brought it up, not me.