toys for fat kids.
toys for fat kids.
I know what Unreal Engine 3 is. I'm happy for you to be the geekier of us two though. I don't think I'm so knowledgeable, that's why I keep using external sources rather than my own word. So far you have used none, so I'm having to go on your word only whereas I have provided you with tonnes of stats, facts, evidence and opinion of those far more in the know than me or you.
I have played most of those games. Loved WipEout. I have mentioned it before but I will say it again. I loved PSOne. I loved PS2. PS2 shat all over Xbox original. There is no bias here from me.
Again I explained (using MetaCritic) that the general consensus is that Xbox360 has a stronger line up (ie better gameplay). MetaCritic takes reviews from all publications, all platforms. So it is entirely neutral, and covers all professional opinions of games.
Yes Killzone 2 has very good graphics, that doesn't change the FACTS I posted regarding Xbox360 generally being agreed to be graphically superior.
Noise? Fair enough, I never actually hear the Xbox360 running because I have the games running, but I can accept that it is the louder of the two. Reliability? You have got me there. It is less reliable. I have had no problems with mine but I've enough stories to know it IS less reliable. However everyone I know who've had problems have encountered fantastic support from Microsoft, a new console within 5 days in one case, along with 3 months free Xbox LIVE.
Your PC World article is a pretty laughable fact, some guy ive never heard of seems to know exactly what is going on inside Rockstar, and the exact reasons for the delay, it was no more than speculation
Your PC World article is a pretty laughable fact, some guy ive never heard of seems to know exactly what is going on inside Rockstar, and the exact reasons for the delay, it was no more than speculation, Rockstar stated there were Technical Difficulties which in no way translates into the PS3 not being able to handle the graphics.
Why do all XBOX/PS3 threads turn into binfest's may I ask?
If you just want a console that does all the basics well then 360 is the best option, if your a techy type then PS3 Is better option all be it a few hundred quid more.
Why do all XBOX/PS3 threads turn into binfest's may I ask?
It's like Mac/PC, iPhone/Any other phones. Techies like to think they always know best when it comes to their gear.
You have roughly put it right though. Xbox360 is the best at games. PS3 is the best at everything except games. and Sky.
If all you want to do is play multi platform games that run at about a1fps faster go ahead and get an xbox, if you want killer exclusives plus all of those multiplatform games, buy a playstation
Dare you to start one about Mac Vs PC!!
If all you want to do is play multi platform games that run at about a1fps faster go ahead and get an xbox, if you want killer exclusives plus all of those multiplatform games, buy a playstation
360 is only suprerior online, but the PS3's free online makes up for that, plus reliablility, they are practically tied on anything else.