Tom Hark Preston Park
Will Post For Cash
- Jul 6, 2003
- 73,433
All the local shops round here have upped their game admirably. During the darkest days of lockdown, offie could be relied on for - in addition to the essentials - hard to source items like eggs! pasta! tea bags! bog roll! The emporium formerly known as Mr Shah's (motto: 'Never Knowingly Underpriced') has undergone a complete makeover. Out with Happy Shopper, in with Shopper Happy To Pay A Bit More For A Bit More Quality, much of it organic. Even the 'organic' Butcher's has raised it's game with a nice display of fruit n veg, tho the effect is as always somewhat spoiled by just about all the staff seedily smoking right outside the front door. Not a good look. Oh, and great to see Jenny's chippie back up and running in the evenings. Slightly further afield, the Open Market had been, er, open, throughout, with proper social distancing observed. And - best of all IMHO! - Bangers Pies in Baker Street has nearly their full range of gorgeous wares available. Text them with your order, book a pick-up time, fill yer boots at £2 per glorious pie. Great stuff by all our local shops during lockdown. Many of them not just surviving but FLOURISHING