Good Old Sausage by the Sea
Reckon he means the people who own and run the shop in LondonProbably borderline impossible to find and prosecute the shady Chinese owners of most counterfeit factories.
Reckon he means the people who own and run the shop in LondonProbably borderline impossible to find and prosecute the shady Chinese owners of most counterfeit factories.
Didn’t we have our own brand back in the late 80s with Sports Express?Nah there's way more to kit manufacturing that you'd think. If it were that simple there'd be plenty more billionaire owners doing it!
For me Umbro and Macron are the two with the best balance between design and quality. Adidas are Nike 2.0. Despite the 3 stripes looking nice, the kits they'd make for a pleb team like us wouldn't be much better than Nike. We'd get the standard training gear, no retro stuff that's for sure.
Nike have improved a lot in design and quality. I hope we see further improvements in bespoke designs, one off kits, better quality fit and finish. But I'm not holding my breath. We went with them because that swoosh shifts shirts not just here but across the world.
I found this quite interesting: https://kitgeek.wordpress.com/2024/07/25/kit-manufacturers-breakdown-2024-25/
Only 4 EPL teams in Nike
Some new names for me on here: https://urbanpitch.com/the-best-under-the-radar-kit-manufacturers/
Imagine if we were to finish above Chelsea (and Spurs). We'd be their highest placed English team going into next season.Liverpool have now signed with Adidas for next season. Maybe that'll make Nike more desperate to keep us and we'll get something decent. https://www.football365.com/news/liverpool-promoted-elite-status-adidas