I changed this.
- Jul 28, 2011
- 13,453
I used them a lot during the Pandemic but I rarely order delivery these days. Especially now the weather is nicer, I'd much rather go out to eat or pickup from the restaurant. I guess I'm exception though, given the constant stream of delivery riders going full speed along the pavements on their electric bikes with no concern for their own or other people's safety.
Not sure if this video is available in the UK, but John Oliver made some interesting points on his show. None of the parties actually make any money out of these delivery apps. The delivery drivers/riders make a pittance and have to meet ridiculous timing demands (hence the pavement speeding). The restaurants get charged huge fees to use the app, often making a loss from an order. The delivery companies themselves don't make any money because of all the licensing fees etc. Just another example of a tech company trying to "shake up the industry" by ruining it for most people involved.
Yeah, I watched that John Oliver segment, quite eye opening.
It's one of those things where I'm fully aware of their shadiness but can't help myself from using them.
I do make sure to tip the delivery people well though.