Cheshire Cat
The most curious thing..
This whole thread makes me feel queasy just reading it.
Ingrown Toenails are *******s.
Got to be that ... I have had a couple - none for a long time though so I must be cutting my toenails correctly!!. For one I was referred to the local hospital to have it rectified under local anaesthetic - and there lies the problem straight away - the big toe doesn't have much meat in order to perform the injection - so after three failed attempts for the anaesthetic to take hold I told the doc to go ahead anyway - not a good idea . I was climbing the walls in agony as he took the offending toe nail out - had to apologise afterwards for screaming out "you are a f*ckin c*nt" during the procedure. Up until that point I'd little or no sympathy for the ingrowing toe nail club ...
Yeah that's me. And yeah it was incredibly painful!
Still have the photo if anyone's interested!
Warning graphic photo below for those that don't like gore.
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Paint balling - back of the legs at close range. I thought I was going to pass out with the pain! (it wasn't just the one shot, I was getting blitzed by someone using up their last 'bullets'!)
Stabbed in the chest, neck and knee with a screwdriver by one of our traveller friends. Knee was excruciating as the metal had dinked a. It of the knee cap out. Because of EDS local anaesthetic doesn't work on me so 12 stitches with no anaesthetic.
Luckily the chest and neck were only flesh wounds.
Had back seizures a few years back, over New Years. Back would spasm every 10 mins, arching my back and literally lifting me off the bed. Eventually got some Tamazapam and it relaxed the muscles. That was scary. Never had it since.
Ran into a step that had a rusty nail sticking out of it. Shin height. Pulled my leg away before realising it was stuck on a nail. Remember hearing the pop as it came out of the bone. The the blood. Then came the pain.
Someone stepped back onto my shin in a volley ball match , was court so shoes on, scraped all the skin off my right shin. Again, the blood and a very, very odd "numb" pain. Then it became excruciating.
Food poisoning. Was on morphine for a few days. Felt like someone was stabbing my gut and arse hole.
Slipped while taking a tray of boiling hot potatoes out of the oven, to avoid getting the hot fat on me I dropped the oven tray , landed on it, it stuck to my chest and shoulder. To this day I have a griddle marked burn on my shoulder. That was very, very painful at the time and frightening as I couldn't get it off me and I could smell my flesh cooking.
Not the worst pain I have experienced but I went paintballing with my dad a few years ago. We only played one game and my dad's leg went so I had to take him to A&E. I had a short sleeve top on and the amount of people at A&E who thought I was the patient because of the bruising that had come up within 2 hours. Didn't help that my glasses steamed up inside the face mask so I was rubbish and got shot a lot but still - stupid game.Paint balling - back of the legs at close range. I thought I was going to pass out with the pain! (it wasn't just the one shot, I was getting blitzed by someone using up their last 'bullets'!)
During surgery for a kidney issue I had a stent put in between my kidney and bladder to allow for the ureter to heal around it. After four weeks they remove the stent by putting a camera all the way up your old bill and into your bladder, they then feed a tool through it to grab the stent that's floating around in there, and then pull the camera, tool and stent out all in one go. You see it all on the TV screen. Its like some weird version of those grab a toy machines you see on the pier.
I don't know what was worse, the camera going up there or the syringe full of lubricating gel. Either way I now know what the inside of my knob looks like.
A catheter that wasn't fitted properly had me rolling round the floor screaming whilst my pee was spraying out, got to the hospital and the nurse then yanked it out without deflating the balloon. I've never known pain to compare to that day